Money are certainly among the most popular motifs of dreams, because they determine your standard of living, and are essential to meet the most important needs, pursue goals, and make dreams come true.
Does the money seen in a dream foretell wealth? Anyone who has ever had a dream about the banknotes and coins can at this point answer this question. What's more, the dream about large cash is paradoxically very disappointing - the feeling when you wake up without the huge amount of money dreamed. The fantasies about money are often associated with real expenses or profits. Many dream books interpret dreams about coins or banknotes in the opposite way, which is:
- Receiving cash in a dream means losses and expenses in reality.
- Losing money herald profits and wealth.
The symbolism of money in a dream may also have far wider meaning. Money, according to many dream books, is a symbol of energy, creative power, authority, and shows your value. In this context, the dreams about the money can be perceived as follows:
- Wealth/having money suggests substantial resources of vital energy, mental potential, the sense of security.
- Financial investments reflect spiritual development, the achievement of new goals.
- Wasting money or excessive spending represents the waste of energy.
- Bankruptcy symbolizes the burnout, the lack of motivation and perspectives.
- Meanness may suggest that you are afraid of new experiences and pursuing your own ideas.
- If something is too expensive, it may symbolize the unattainable thing, a barrier impossible to overcome.
- Overpaying a product or service shows that your efforts will not pay off, or the results will be disproportionate.
- Debts reflect the unsettled question, the sense of guilt.
- Counterfeiting money is associated with impure intentions, and cutting corners on the pursuit of goals - at little cost and with little effort. However, choosing this path rarely brings success.
Detailed meaning of the dream:
- For men money can reflect the love and life potential. For women it’s a sign of erotic speculation.
- Seeing money heralds unexpected expenses.
- Foreign currency is a warning against a risky business.
- Making money is a sign that you will get lucky in love.
- Having large amounts of cash in a dream may suggest that you are conceited and look down on people.
- A dream in which you give a beggar some money is a very good omen, as it means big profits.
- Winning the money is not always a good omen, and many winners of different contests and lotteries not prepared for the win experienced such a situation. It can mean small problems, and less likely the promise of a real win.
- Finding money is a good omen. You will manage to survive hard times, or get lucky in a game.
- If you are counting money in a dream, the dream heralds the successful investments and high wages.
- Counterfeit money means the loss of inheritance; they can also mean trouble with the law.
- Once in a dream, you borrow money from someone is a clear sign - in the near future you will face trouble. If you go to a moneylender, you will have serious problems to solve the problem.
- If in the dream you are hiding your money, it is a warning against fraud or theft.
- Saving money promises the improvement of fortune.
- Doing cash business foretells larger family.
- Paying the salary in a dream promises a successful business.
- When the dreamer is the president of the bank, it means that their bank balance will soon increase.
- If in the dream you see someone stealing money, it is a warning against unfair friends or business partners. The dream may also relate to robbing you of your life energy.
The amount and denominations of money can have their meaning - check "numbers"
See also the entries: “coins” and “banknotes”.