These small pieces of paper have enormous power, which undoubtedly you're aware of. The dream about money, in spite of appearances, does not necessarily symbolize wealth.
A banknote, which is made of durable material, can be easily destroyed. For the dreamer it might mean illusory hope of having some things. There are a number of different situations in which banknotes may appear- many of them do not mean the sign of "a better life", on the contrary, they are negatively perceived by the authors of dream books.
Detailed meaning:
- Having a large number of banknotes in a dream mean financial losses in real life. A person who had a seemingly nice dream should carefully carry out various financial operations, such as loans, credits or property investments.
- Financial investment reflects the spiritual development, achieving new goals.
- Counting of banknotes is a successful business or smart investments.
- If you throw the money into the fire it symbolizes unsuccessful venture, in which you are involved.
- When you get cash from someone in a dream, then you have to consider which matter takes too much of your time.
- Changing a banknote means that we lose interest in a close person or devote too much attention to trifles instead of focusing on one important goal.
- Debt reflects the concern that carefully concealed misdeed will be discovered and you would pay for it.
- Borrowing money announces expenses and trouble.
- Bankruptcy reflects the poor emotional state of the dreamer, lack of prospects and opportunities.
- When you are too lavish in a dream, it means that you waste energy to no purpose or subconsciously despise someone's feeling.
- When someone close to you refuses the loan, it may symbolize that you don’t trust the person anymore.
- If you falsify banknotes in a dream, it is associated with your dishonest intentions in relation to someone. The dream may also suggest that you have chosen a risky shortcut to something.
- If you give money to someone in a dream, we can count on windfall, such as a higher salary or winning the lottery.
- A foreign banknote is a risky business warning, for example taking a loan in foreign currency or transaction with a shady trading partner.