The dream about winning may disappoint you twice - first when you wake up in bed without any money or other goods you’ve won, and later after you check the meaning of such a dream in the dream book. According to one, winning in a dream means something completely opposite. You should expect losses.
The dream about the lottery symbolizes the desire to make your life easier. You want prosperity at all costs, but forget that you have to work hard for it. The lottery in a dream also indicates that you have entrusted your life to a chance and you have no influence on your fate.
The dream about winning can also have a positive meaning, but it doesn’t refer to financial success. Winning in this case may mean overcoming a serious illness, saving a relationship or repairing a relationship with a friend.
What if you dream about the winning lottery numbers or the result of a sporting event? Although it is unlikely that the types will work, it is worth risking a small investment in a lottery ticket so that later you do not regret the wasted opportunity.