The numbers are certainly among the most intriguing and difficult to explain dream subjects. It is believed that they were already used approx. 30 000 years BC. The greatest philosophers and mathematicians of ancient Babylonia, Greece and India also claimed that the numbers are associated with the principles of creation and the functioning laws of time and space.
It is difficult to point out the meaning of numbers in a dream, because they usually have a very individual character. As the numbers are symbolic equations, strategies and thoughts, the dream may suggest that you should think about a good plan for your life. Numbers can both represent the thinking process, development, various aspects of life, and relate to individual values and events in the life of the dreamer. For example, the number 2 can symbolize an event that took place two years ago. Number 14 or 30 may, in turn, mean the age of the dreamer.
It is worth noticing that numbers in the dream can be in various forms and in various places, from those seen in a notebook or on a school board, to the numbers on clothes, walls, buildings, phone numbers, license plates and bills. Numbers can also be expressed by objects, people, animals, seasons, hours, or geometric figures.
Anyone who is a gambler wonders if the dream about specific numbers has an impact on games of chance, such as lotto and roulette. Some dream books encourage to bet your money the next day in the betting outlets or a casino. Is it worth the risk? You have to decide by yourself.
In this entry we present the general meaning of dreams about numbers.
- Even numbers: stability, balance.
- Odd numbers: action.
- If you count the money, it is a sign that you will have a financial streak. But when you cannot count to a specific sum, you should treat this as a warning of material problems.
- Counting people is a sign of power and responsible position.
- Counting children bodes your descendants good positions.
- According to the Egyptian dream book small numbers indicate the uncertainty of actions taken, while large numbers indicate prosperity.
Most interesting meaning of individual numbers:
- 0 - Zero has a dual symbolism. The positive meaning represents fullness and perfection. In a negative context, zero means something worthless, emptiness, poverty, or vanity.
- 1 - Means unity, the beginning, the desire to sort out issues, or leadership. Number one may suggest that you should have more ambition and believe more in your own abilities. This number also heralds a creative period in the life of the dreamer.
- 2 - Two is assigned to the Moon and is a very optimistic sign for women. This number is associated with sensitivity, successful motherhood, care, and concern for others. The dream means not only harmony and inner balance in your life, but it can also herald meeting your other half. In the dream number two often appears in the form of twins, a pair of animals or objects, or some repetitive activities.
- 3 - Three is related to the activity, action, movement and power. In fairy tales and myths 3 appears in the form of three trials, three sisters and three wishes. This figure should encourage the dreamer to the consequence and constancy, according to the saying "third time lucky". In mysticism, in turn, the positive significance of the number 3 highlights the Trinity and the triple nature of man (the mind, spirit, and body). For women this number sometimes bodes pregnancy.
- 4 - It is a symbol of durability, reliability, and endurance. Four can be linked with a cross. In such a situation, it will mean suffering, guilt, and a great experience baggage.
- 5 – On the fifth day God created the animal world with its richness and variety of forms. The number five symbolizes man and his curiosity about the world, the five senses, new contacts, or changes.
- 6 - On the sixth day the Creator gave life to the first people - Adam and Eve, so this figure represents love, partnership, and family ties. Due to the fact that God in six days built the whole world, this number also means harmony, creativity, and beauty.
- 7 - Seven in many cultures is a sacred number, which is connected with the divinity and timeless and perfect things. In alchemy there are seven stones forming the philosopher’s stone, so the dream about figure 7 may indicate spiritual development, or the achievement of new states of consciousness.
- 8 - It symbolizes infinity and eternity. In a dream it may also represent enormous power, regeneration, or recovery.
- 9 - As the highest of the digits it is associated with the power, performance, and the culmination of work. Most often it should be perceived as the harbinger of the next important phase in your life. It also shows the need for transformation.
- 10 - Looking through the prism of the 10 commandments number 10 is the number of law. In mysticism it also means the perfection, the heaven, and the earth.
- 11 – This number represents instability or sin.
- 12 – It’s a symbol time. There are twelve months of the year, twelve hours of the day and night, and twelve zodiac signs.
- 13 - It is generally considered to be the unlucky number. In the rituals of witches 13 represents Satan, and in the Tarot it stands for death. In Christianity this number represents a betrayal. Jesus and the 12 apostles created 13 until one of them betrayed their teacher. However, in Central America the number thirteen is lucky.
- 21- In the Hebrew tradition the number is associated with wisdom.
- 40 - The dream about this number should be seen as a symbol of spiritual transformation, trial, and initiation. This number is associated, among other things, with 40 years of the reign of David, the 40 days of the flood and the 40 days that Moses spent on Mount Sinai. The same time lasted the stay of Jesus on earth after His resurrection. 40 in a dream may therefore appear in a different context regarding faith, e.g. for people who lost their faith, went down the wrong road, or want to turn back.
- 100 – It is the number indicating the achievement of goals, or the full use of your abilities. Therefore, 100 should be considered as a positive omen for the future.
- 200, 500 - These are numbers associated with reincarnation.
- 365 - Number that promises prosperity in the coming year.
- 666 –Everyone knows the number, and therefore the meaning of the dream needs no explanations. This is a clear warning against going down the wrong road, and immoral behavior.
- 1, 2, 3 - It is a symbol of unity.