People have always desired coins. It is proved by the story of Judas, who betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. A dream about coins, however, doesn’t have to reflect the desire for wealth. Depending on the context, the number or type of coins such fantasies may have different meanings.
First of all you should look up the interpretation of the dream about money, which describes a coin in more general terms. In this entry the detailed meaning of the coin is given.
- Earning or receiving coins bodes profits and good financial run.
- When you lose coins in a dream, it indicates minor financial troubles or adversity in the near future.
- Gold coins warn against some business or purchase, because at the end it may not pay. According to other dream books gold coins simply mean disaster.
- Silver coins may have a positive and negative meaning. On the one hand they are associated with wealth and distant journeys, and on the other with the misfortunes and failures. Silver coins were given to Judas for betraying Jesus.
- Nickel coins represent unfavorable and sometimes humiliating work.
- Copper coins represent great luck.
- If in the dream you are making good use of coins and spend them, it's a good sign. You will gain someone’s gratitude.
- Collecting coins in a dream promises interesting experiences in the future. This dream reflects an interesting passion of the dreamer and it does not necessarily have to be numismatics.
- If the dreamer is coining coins in a dream, it is a reflection of their futile pursuit of wealth.
- Giving out coins suggests that in the coming days there are many temptations waiting for you in real life.
- Finding coins is the symbol of overcoming adversity.
- Counting coins suggests to be cautious in the coming days, especially when it comes to financial matters.
- The clink of coins heralds bad news.
- A shiny coin heralds a successful affair.
- A heavily worn coin portends a melancholic day.
- If you’re flipping a coin in a dream, it shows your indecisiveness in some case.
- Two coins can symbolize a profitable copartnership or business cooperation.
- If you dream about valuable coins, it is a sign that you have some great opportunities and you should be aware of them.
- If you dream about a chest of coins, you do not have to worry about your financial stability.
- Counterfeit coins are not a very favorable omen, because they indicate trouble with the law, and quarrels with friends or family.
Foreign coins may have different meanings:
- They warn against the unknown unchecked business.
- Foreign coins herald receiving an inheritance from abroad.
- They may mean benefits from a person you didn’t know before.