A dream about the nose can be perceived in different ways: for some it will be the reflection of excellent instinct, while for others, an allusion to excessive nosiness. It depends on you which feature fits you more. In this entry you can find some hints and interesting explanations of the dream.
- For most mammals the nose is the main organ of smell, therefore, in the positive sense the dream will be associated with the ability of accurate judgment, instinct, or curiosity.
- Almost everyone probably has heard in their lives "not to poke their nose into something." The message is clear, and the exact same meaning can a dream about that part of your body have. If you see a huge ugly nose, it’s a sign that you should not interfere in the life of other people. Bad advice can shove you into trouble, so it’s better to focus on your own needs.
Detailed meaning of the dream:
- Your own nose symbolizes the strong will, thanks to which you will achieve a lot in life. A big nose promises wealth and honor. If you have such a nose in the dream, it is a sign that you should be aware of your strength.
- The nose is very often identified with fertility, and for many people it resembles the penis. It is often said that a man with big a nose has a huge penis. Therefore, if a person (the dreamer) sees the nose, it may mean that he has problems with his sexuality. His sexual life is not as rewarding as if he wanted to.
- A small nose is a pessimistic omen meaning that you will be treated unfairly.
- A regular nose (small, shapely) is a harbinger of changes for the better. You can expect a pay raise, or better relations with people. For lonely people there is a chance to meet a man of merit.
- A smashed nose means conflicts or problems which will be caused by other people. You will be involved in a conflict seemingly neutral for you.
- A broken nose means that you will have some health problems. Set aside any plans until recovery.
- Planning the plastic surgery of the nose means that you will meet new people and turn away from your old friends.
- A red nose – you should focus on your health.
- Runny nose – some adversity will appear on your way to happiness.
- Getting hit in the nose - someone will suspect you unfairly, but thanks to your resourcefulness and intelligence you will manage to get out of a difficult situation.
- Seeing your nose in the mirror is the sign of upcoming party.
- Losing the nose means a divorce.
- Seeing a person without a nose means the risk of losing your life. You should be on your guard.
- A short nose means a quiet family life and the lack of conflicts.
- Bleeding from the nose means that it may come to a divorce; there is the possibility of quarrels or danger.
- An itchy nose is a warning against a lie.
- Being led by the nose bodes bad news or making bad decisions.
- A flat nose symbolizes conflict.