By hand, a person performs most of the basic activities of life, works, communicates with others, or expresses emotions. Upper limbs play an important role in human life, so the dream refers to coping skills, clout, or physical fitness. Beliefs in which hands symbolize power and authority come from the ancient Egyptians.
It is therefore important to recognize that a dream of healthy, strong and beautiful hands is a sign of success in life, especially in professional matters. At the opposite extreme should be placed a nightmare, in which you have a broken, swollen or amputated hand. According to some dream books the lack of upper limb may even mean the death of a parent.
Hands are one of the most complex dream motives because they can be interpreted in many different ways. Different gestures and methods of communicating with others should be considered as a separate group of dreams. This can be a welcome, so-called "high five", stroking, as well as punching in the face, or showing the middle finger. Possibilities are innumerable here, so in this case the dreamer should also check the meaning of the individual entries.
Detailed meaning:
- The right hand is the symbol of strength and power, while the left one is associated with submission.
- The loss of the right hand means the death of the father, while the left in this context refers to the mother.
- Beautiful, strong hands - success in life, self-confidence.
- Small hands - poor dexterity, false business partners, trouble in business.
- Big hand - success.
- Soft hands - sensitivity.
- Rough hands - you will have to work hard, they also represent independence.
- Hairy hands - brutality.
- If in the dream you see a lot of hands, it promises you’ll get rich.
- A broken hand is a warning against injury and forced inactivity.
- A swollen hand - conflicts, fatigue.
- Hands shackled in handcuffs symbolize the lack of freedom, limitations in your life.
- Limp hands reflect helplessness.
- If you hold someone's hand, it is a sign you feel sympathy for that person.
- Looking at the hands means that you are suspicious of someone. The dream may also suggest that you should take a closer look at the actions of that person.
- Reaching out to someone symbolizes support and help. If we reach out to the enemy, the dream announces reconciliation.
- A handshake bodes happiness.
- Shaking a hand symbolizes a new acquaintance.
- Outstretched, open hands mean the desire of contact, openness.
- Kissing someone else's hand is an expression of your respect.
- A clenched hand in front of your face means that you have a sworn enemy.
- Hugging someone reflects a close relationship with that person.
- Lowered hands are the symbol of disapproval, helplessness.
- Clapping hands mean joy, approval, admiration.
- Clenched fists symbolize aggression, anger.
- A burnt hand is a warning. Inadvertently you will be in trouble; you will be disappointed.
- A hand without fingers - loss.
- Washing hands is an allusion to avoiding responsibility.
- A dirty hand - you will get friendly with an immoral man, or get envious of the success of others.
- Clean hands bode new friendship, and also reflect your honesty.
- Tied hands - trouble, helplessness. But when you manage to get rid of the bonds, you will overcome the trouble.
- Bloodstained hands mean deterioration of relations with friends, envy.
- Raising hands to heaven means some request, prayer.
- A stroking hand is the sign of care, understanding and help.
- Hands glittering with jewelry reflect high social status, luxury, wealth.
- A wounded hand symbolizes emotional wounds, disappointment.
- Carrying weight in your hands reflects struggling with problems.
- Hands raised to the mouth - warning, secret.
- Fondling - love, passion.
- Empty hands - poverty.
- Full hands - wealth, abundance.
- Wearing gloves symbolizes actions in secret.
- When you feel the touch of someone's hand on your shoulders - protection.
- An eye connected with a hand symbolizes the second sight, wisdom.
- Puny and weak arms mean dependence on others.
- Strong arms mean success. You can handle every problem.
- Slumped shoulders - worries.