Fire is the result of destructive power of flames, which have rich symbolism both in culture and in dreams. Provided this element is used to warm the room or illuminate the dark, it is positive. However, the flames "devouring" the house, the forest or the man are terrifying. It is even more astonishing that the dream about fire can also have a positive meaning.
According to the Old Polish dream book, fire promises honor, and the bright flames are the symbol of great joy. Smoke in turn is a harbinger of good news. In this entry, only a dream about a large amount of smoke has negative connotations, and bodes disturbed joy.
Depending on life events, fire is the indication of a great outburst of passion or anger. This is why fire may appear in case of lively emotional life, romance or erotic adventure as well as violent conflict.
Detailed meaning:
- If the fire is out of control and is destroying different elements of a building or some trees, the dream is a bad sign and you will have trouble.
- If the dreamer is an arsonist, it means that they are trying to draw attention to themselves, and is protesting against some events. The intentional starting of fire may also reflect the desire for revenge.
- If you see your house in flames, you do not have to worry, because it bodes the improvement of the living situation and beneficial changes. It is worse when the fire is accompanied by smoke - then you should prepare yourself for adversity.
- If you have managed to extinguish a fire in your dream, it is a sign that you have avoided some misfortune at the eleventh hour.
- According to some dream books the fire is warning against theft.
- A burning building bodes multiplying assets.
- A burning barn - changes in life.
- As the house refers to the human psyche and soul, the house fire can mean emotional trouble, the possibility of conflict with the family.
- A burning forest means carefree life.
- A burning church suggests that you will unmask someone's hypocrisy.
- Rescuing someone from a fire suggests that you will soon show a heroic attitude or that your life will change for the better.
- Saving goods from a fire is a warning. Someone close to you will turn out to be an enemy.