The nightmare about falling belongs to this group of dreams after which you wake up terrified. The most often the dreamer wakes up just before hitting the floor, but it sometimes happens that the fall ends with a collision with the ground or water. The dream about falling reflects the lack of control in real life, chaos and traumatic events - the higher the height you fall from, the greater the trouble. What also matters is how long you lie after a fall - if you have not been injured and immediately get up, your problems are likely to be solved quickly. It is worse, when the fall makes you unable to get up – in that case it will be much harder to regain your balance.
Detailed meaning:
- Falling into a chasm, a black abyss, or hole reflects a serious crisis in your life, depression, despair, and a lack of perspectives.
- Falling to the ground symbolizes a huge disappointment, a brutal collision with the surrounding reality. The dream can come both to the unbridled optimists and dreamers, as well as people who have had only a ray of hope for a successful settlement of an important matter.
- Falling into the water reflects the dreamer's problems with expressing or controlling emotions and feelings.
- The dream about falling from a horse portends failure; it can also signal an argument with your partner.
- A dream in which you fall into a ditch portends a loss of good name and unpleasantness.
- If you fall into an object in a dream, it announces that you will obtain valuable information.
- When you stumble, but you manage to keep your balance, it means that you will succeed in getting out of trouble.
- Seeing someone falling into the abyss means you will take advantage of someone's carelessness.
- A dream in which you see falling friends may suggest that they are not completely honest with you.
- When you are endlessly falling in your dream, it may be a warning against neurosis and paranoia.
- Falling from the roof is a warning against unreasonable behavior.
- For women, according to Freud, dreams about falling reflect moral decline, promiscuity.
- Falling down stairs means that you have chosen the wrong path to achieve success.
- Slow fall in the air reflects unaccomplished ambitions.