The tiger is one of the largest and most dangerous land predators, the size of which only gives way to some bears. It can tear its victims away in the blink of an eye, so it's no wonder that it is seen as a symbol of cruelty, aggression and strength. If it appears in your dream, it is most often a warning against the danger or lack of control over the urges.
Detailed meaning:
- If the dreamer is a tiger, the dream means that one should take over some of the predator's behavior in real life. The tiger is feisty, brave and strong - these qualities can help you get a raise or gain respect among people.
- In a man's dream, a tiger is a picture of anima and symbolizes lust for a strong, independent and "predatory" woman. This woman, however, can turn out to be a vamp without remorse.
- The tiger seen in a dream warns of enemies.
- The meeting of a tiger means that you will meet an influential person.
- The attacking tiger warns of danger.
- Escaping from the tiger means trouble, or fear of a strong man.
- If the tiger is running away from you, it is a signal that you will overcome all adversities; you are mentally strong.
- Defeating a tiger or tiger in a cage - you will defeat a vicious enemy.
- Tiger's skin foretells life in luxury.
- A tamed tiger - you have a strong ally.
- A white tiger - in the near future you will be able to afford sophisticated entertainment.