Stone is one of the parts of elemental earth, it has for centuries been used by humans for various purposes. Its symbolism is so very diversified and very extreme. In a positive sense, the stones represent the strength, stability, permanence and constancy. On the other hand, they can also be used as a weapon and a tool for punishment. See the most popular interpretations of the dreams about stones.
Detailed meaning of the dream:
- Sacred, magical stone; the one of the mysterious powers and enormous energy should be seen as a positive symbol. Is often means protection, wisdom, regeneration and strong and constant (in a positive sense) character. You will easily recognize that stone - it will be unique and extremely beautiful.
- Stones are not only used in a good way by people, but can also be a weapon. The best example is the ancient form of extreme cruelty - stoning, which still exist in some countries. A nightmare, in which the dreamer is humiliated in this way, reflects the tremendous sense of guilt, remorse and fear. Stoning may be a subconscious desire to self punishment, though, of course, it does not bring relief and any solution to the problem.
- Carrying a heavy rock shows fatigue or depression.
- A dream, in which you turn into stone, is a dramatic image expressing your dread, tension and fear of the future. The symbolic turning to stone is an attempt to escape from reality and the need to confront a problem. Another meaning of this nightmare is routine and lack of joy and motivation.
- If you throw stones in a dream, it is a sign that you will be the cause of an argument. Throwing stones in a dream can be dreamed especially by those who point out mistakes to others, not looking at their own behavior.
- When in a dream someone attacks you with stones, it is a clear message that you have enemies around you.
- If in the dream you see a grim stone landscape, then this vision reflects the emotional emptiness, indifference and sadness.
- A stone that blocks your path is clear reference to life's obstacles, for example, on a career path. Its presence may somewhat slow your development down, so you should remove it as soon as possible.
- An avalanche of rocks is the announcement of many troubles and difficulties that will be hard to stop.
- A large stone may mean a big loss, while a smaller one some lighter trouble.
- A dream in which you collect the stones is a sign of worries.
- Walking on the rocks is the announcement of distress or minor problems.
- If you dream that you have a small pebble in the shoe, it is a symbol of little things that disturb you.
- Seeing stones, according to some dream books, is a warning signal against the disease.
- If you see the inscription carved in stone, it is a symbol of willpower and persistence. The dream can be a special form of motivation for people who are trying to quit smoking, lose weight or fight other weaknesses.
- Crushing stones means that you will buy a property or apartment.
- The foundation stone symbolizes an important step to success, perseverance and profit.
- Seeing a milestone suggests that you will go on a trip in the near future.
- Paving stones symbolize fun.
- Stone structures symbolize durable, stable and safe things.
- Pebbles: dream warns women against numerous rivals. In a broader sense the fantasy about pebbles is associated with the need of compassion for others.
- Quarry is associated mostly with severe and almost titanic work, but in the dream it portends wealth. If you are in the quarry, the dream means a great effort, but well rewarded. Closed quarry has a very bad symbolism associated with the failure and death.
Precious stones, jewels
Precious stones are considered lucky charms, so the dream about them should be received positively. They are a symbol of luxury, wealth, recognition and honor. They may be a harbinger of social advancement and success. In the negative sense they symbolize the excessive pride and desire for comfort at all costs. How to assess which meaning is relevant to your dream? Bright shiny gems will bring happiness. Matt dark ones mean bad luck. Equally important, however, it is to recognize a particular gem, so below you'll find the symbolism of the most precious gemstones.
Detailed meaning of the dream:
- Having a stone symbolizes honor, knowledge, wisdom and success.
- Seeing a gemstone means temptation.
- If you buy a jewel, you can expect a financial loss. However, if you manage to sell it, the dream heralds profit.
- When you get a stone as a gift is a sign that you’ll credit your account.
- Grinding jewels suggests the process of refining and hardening of your soul.
- If you are wearing a gemstone, then it may be a subconscious allusion to your arrogance.
- As valuable items as gemstones require special care and attention, so their loss symbolizes the disgrace and embarrassment.
Selected precious stones:
- Amethyst - it symbolizes harmony, cleansing, peace of mind. Its purpose is to strengthen the psychic of man, to inspire the human soul. In ancient times it was used as a cure for alcoholism, hence the amethyst is the symbol of sobriety.
- Amber - tt is the symbol of the sun and immortality. Amber is a gemstone that makes it easier to interact with people; means bright and creative thoughts. Amber can have a good meaning for men, because it contains the male energy associated with the activity and intellect.
- Diamond is the hardest known naturally occurring substance; hence it is a symbol of permanence, indestructibility, the highest values and excellence.
- Pearl is strongly associated with the feminine energy, the moon, the realm of unawareness, emotions and intuition. Pearl, above all, may symbolize tears of joy or sorrow, deep feelings or the most precious human values.
- Ruby - it is a stone of life and longevity. It was connected with the ability to heal wounds and scars, including those psychic ones. One of the most precious stones in jewelry is also associated with passion and blood, which may be indicated by its blood-red color.
- Emerald - the popular and highly regarded emerald has a rich symbolism, for example, it is one of the jewels God gave to Solomon. It symbolizes renewal, immortality, the Mother Goddess and vegetation.
- Sapphire - this gemstone is highly associated with heavenly values - in the Apocalypse of St. John is the decoration of the second layer of the foundation of the heavenly Jerusalem, it is also one of the stones of the breastplate of Aaron. Pope Innocent III urged the bishops on wearing rings with sapphires, in order to resist the evil influences. So the sapphire protects against evil, a bad spell and black magic. It means truth and wisdom.
- Topaz - it is the symbol of the sun, enlightenment and friendship.