Earrings are present in many cultures around the world. This form of body jewelry was popular in ancient times, but then having earrings made of gold or silver was a luxury which only the wealthiest members of society could afford. The poorer had to settle for equivalents made of bird feathers and animal bones. Today, earrings, even those made of gold, are much more affordable to ordinary citizens. They have become not only a decoration, but also a form of expressing your personality or originality. At first ear piercing was required to wear earrings. Today, piercing includes all possible body parts, including the most intimate ones. Let's see how the whole phenomenon is described by dream books.
An earring in a dream symbolizes sensitivity, which is a reference to hearing. Sometimes it suggests that you do not hear the message that someone wants to give you. If you see earrings in a particular person, then it is a clear sign that you should pay more attention to this individual.
Earrings are beautiful eye-catching decoration, so they can also represent a desire to shine in the company and too big attachment to material values. The left earring is associated with the interior and the soul of a man, the right one defines tangible external environment and specific relationship.
Other meaning:
- Wearing earrings is a signal that soon you will learn an important secret. What you hear, you should keep to yourself. The dream is also a warning against recklessness.
- If you wear only one earring, it bodes good future with your loved one.
- If a woman dreams that she is wearing new earrings, it reflects her subconscious desire for romance and flirting with men.
- Finding earrings is a very good omen, because it will bring the dreamer happiness and profit. It is hard to imagine a better prognosis. If in a dream, someone gives you earrings, it also is a harbinger of success.
- If you lose or break earrings, it symbolizes grief. If they are broken, you have to watch with people around you. Rumors about you aren’t so bad. The worst part is that this may mean betrayal.
- When you throw away jewelry, it represents a change in your attitude toward someone. A good example can be a woman with a broken heart, who after parting throws the jewelry away or gives it back to the former boyfriend.
- Buying earrings can mean that the dreamer is a little vain, and also symbolize their desire of seduction.
- Seeing the earrings in a dream spells a new relationship with a woman. However, if they are made of base metal, you probably have a bad taste; you lack your own style and an interesting personality.
- It is good to know what the gold earrings mean. Jewelry made of gold symbolizes the extraordinary personality, nobility and righteousness. Silver ones have less favorable symbolism. They mean the lack of stability and unreliability.
- A belly button piercing means having a good time or the infidelity of a loved one.