The grave is a place where dead people are buried. This is why many people believe that a nightmare about a tomb heralds death, sadness or loss of a loved person.
You should not, however, assume the worst case scenario, because dreams about the graves or cemeteries may simply be caused by longing for the loved one. The nightmares usually come to people who have lost a parent, partner or a child. It is possible that the dream is an invitation to complete a stage in your life, to bury the old things and memories. Then the sign can be seen as a process of spiritual rebirth.
Other explanation for the nightmare about the tomb suggests some kind of concerns related to the situation in which the person dreaming currently is. This man evinces helplessness and inability to deal with a hopeless situation.
Other meaning:
- Visiting graves in a dream symbolizes the inability to free yourself from the painful memories, self-pity and dwelling on the past. This can be a clear signal for the dreamer to leave the past behind.
- When in the dream you’re lying in the grave, it’s a bad forecast that soon you will experience something unpleasant or make a mistake. If in the dream you manage to avoid burying alive, then you’ll fix the mistake.
- If you’re digging the grave, the dream is associated with the changes that will soon take place in your life. According to some people happy, for example, a successful marriage, the other sad, associated with the death of a loved one.
- Ivy wrapped around the cross to grave means that the dreamer is obsessed with memories. This makes it difficult for him to move forward.
- Seeing the empty tomb means the void felt by the dreaming person. This is a clear sign that the man is lonely.
- Falling to the grave is a warning against great danger in your life, such as health problems.
- If in a nightmare they put you into the grave, then promises the imminent wedding. This interpretation certainly makes the nightmare, in which you are buried alive, a little less scary.
- Entering the tomb willingly is a warning that someone you know will prove to be false and you will be slandered.
- A destroyed grave portends that someone you love will suffer severe illness.
- An open the tomb indicates positive news and a time of fun and joy. If the dead or other beings come out of the grave, the dream symbolizes the return of forgotten matters from the past.
- Seeing a buried grave may be good news for people who have been victims of theft or lost something. The dream promises the return of lost things.
- Laying flowers at the grave of a loved one means you need the advice or support of a person who is already gone.
- Reading inscriptions, which are located on the tombstone - the dream means that soon something will happen, what will result in the loss of a friend. Other meaning of the dream points to the unexpected and unpleasant duties to perform.
- The dream, in which you see your own name on the tombstone, heralds a serious illness.
- If the motives of a nightmare are graves of people you know, the dream warns you against loneliness caused by the selfish behavior towards loved ones.
- Seeing a fresh grave warns of danger.
- If in the dream you are putting flowers on the grave of your mother, it is a sign that you are looking for comfort.
- The gravestone symbolizes the blessing in love and prosperity.
- The headstone seen in a dream heralds the return of a long-unseen person.
- A barrow means that you’ll find a lost thing or that some old matter will come out again.
- An unknown grave in a dream represents hypocrisy.
- If you’re dreaming that you are building the tomb on the roof of your house, it is the optimistic forecast that you’ll live long life.
- The nightmare, in which you’re digging out the body from the tomb, could be interpreted as a good sign, reflecting entrepreneurship. If it’s the body of a rich person, dream indicates prosperity financing. If it’s the scientist the dream means the desire to improve yourself.
See also: cementary, ghosts