The dead
If you are dreaming about a recently dead person, it is a symbolic farewell to them, and the symbol of the completion of unresolved matters. The words of the deceased are of great importance in this situation. A dream can involve a mother, father, uncle, as well as a partner or colleague. Sometimes these people may appear in your vision as angels, which emphasize the end of spiritual convalescence. The dream about the dead you miss is also just a part of mourning, reflects your grief and sadness.
- When you dream about parents who are already dead, this is a warning dream. The words spoken by your mother or father can be a hint to solve a problem. The dream about a grandma or grandpa has a similar meaning.
- If you dream about a living person who is dead in your vision, it reflects the weakening of mutual bonds and relations.
- When you dream about a dead stranger, this nightmare is a reference to memories and matters that you would like to bury in the depths of your memory.
Other meaning:
- The dead getting up from the coffin announce the trouble with completing some task or project.
- A dream about a late mother suggests that you should show more charity to people.
- A late father, seen in a dream, warns of making a mistake.
- A late grandmother seen in your dream sleep often means that you do not respect tradition.
- A dead brother or relative warns against soliciting cheaters.