Photos are one of the most complex dream motifs, because the subject of a photograph can be anything - people, animals, landscape, car or party. The dreamer must look for the meaning also under specific entries in this dream book, especially when the subject of the photo is particularly emphasized. The diverse interpretation of dreams about photographs is also influenced by whether the dreamer is a photographer, poses for a photo, or just watches them. This entry will give the most common interpretation of dreams about pictures.
- If you see yourself in the picture, the dream may refer to your current well-being. Nice photos in which you’re smiling promise joyful moments, whereas gloomy and sad ones foretell melancholy.
- Posing for a photo suggests that you like to attract the attention of others, be in the center of attention. When someone photographs you in a dream, it can also be a sign that you will make this person happy.
- If you take a picture of yourself, so-called "selfie", it reflects your vain character, or according to other dream books, it bodes a long life.
- Viewing old photographs suggests that the dreamer lives in the past, cannot finish old things and move forward. Sometimes it means meeting with a long-lost person.
- According to many dream books viewing photos in a dream is a warning against the problems caused by your indiscretion.
- Viewing a photo of an unknown person announces a new acquaintance.
- A photo of someone you know in your album or on the shelf reflects good mutual relations.
- The beloved person seen in the pictures announces a successful marriage.
- The picture with the family reflects the relationship with your loved ones - if the family looks happy, there is no reason to worry.
- When there is a child in the picture, it means that your family will get bigger soon.
- Taking a photo is a signal that you should objectively look at the reality surrounding you, distance yourself from an issue.
- If you snap a photo of a person you know, sleep suggests that the subject of your reflections should be mutual relations. Taking a photo of a loved one can also be a harbinger of separation.
- If you are photographing a beautiful landscape, a dream heralds a journey or a trip.
- A torn photo indicates that the dreamer cannot forgive people who have hurt them. The subject of a torn photo may be, for example, a former partner, a family member or a friend.
- Developing photos symbolizes the consolidation of certain values in your life.
- Negatives warn against distorted perceptions of reality or unfriendly people.
- Gluing photos into an album symbolizes an attempt to capture some events in your consciousness. According to another dream book, such a dream means official trouble.
- If you receive a photo from someone, watch out for enemies.
- A black and white photo expresses the longing for someone close or good, old times.
- A blurry photo suggests that your memories of a late, close to you person are disappearing. If a character from a photo lives, the dream means that your mutual relations have weakened.