The duck is an animal of different abilities, as it is able to swim and fly. Because of that the duck has the symbolism of air and water, that is, the intellect and the emotions. Generally that bird has a good meaning for the dreamer, because it promises honors and met expectations.
- If in the dream you can see a diving duck, it may mean the need for self-refection and introspection. You ought to consider some things deeply, look at them from a different perspective.
- When the duck is floating on the water, the dream refers to the skill allowing you to connect the intellect with your feelings (water).
- A diving duck that is picking out something from the water may symbolize contents rooted deeply in your subconsciousness.
- The duck unfortunately has a lot of enemies in the form of hunters who are willing to hunt it. The dream, in this context may symbolize a prey; achieving the objective. When a dreamer is shooting ducks then it is a warning against enemies.
- A duck floating on the water can sometimes be seen as an allusion to the shallowness of your own or the person’s who appeared in the context of the dream.
- Eating a roast duck promises prosperity, sumptuous life and success in business. Duck on the table may also herald a party in a larger group.
- Plucking a duck is the omen of a quarrel and disagreement with a person from your environment.
- When in a dream vainly trying to catch a duck, then you should expect losses in real life. However, if you manage to catch it, it promises a successful venture.
- Feeding ducks warns against ungrateful people who, after receiving help, will simply disregard or even take advantage of you.
- Wild ducks floating in the clear water mean a long journey. Ducks in the air are a harbinger of growing wealth or marriage. According to the Egyptian-Chaldean dream book the dream of wild ducks suggests that someone will try to mislead you.
- If in a dream you hear the characteristic sounds of ducks, watch out for too talkative people and words spoken in their company.
- The dream, in which you are being chased by the ducks, should not be perceived as a bad omen. On the contrary – an easily reachable success is waiting for you.
- If you see a duck in the company of a drake, then it is a positive sign associated with love, proposal or marriage. In the Far East a couple of ducks is a symbol of marital happiness.
- Ducks flying in a flock often form a characteristic V-formation, which shows the harmony of the birds. A flock of ducks can therefore be compared to your way of functioning in the company or group.
- A white duck is sometimes a warning against fraud.