Birds are beautiful creatures that have a special place in culture and religion, symbolizing, among other things, God's messengers. In ancient Egypt the human soul was shown in the form of a bird with a human head. People and birds have a lot in common, as evidenced by the fact that they are social animals. Like humans, birds communicate through visual signs and callouts, sing, and they together participate in hunting or migration groups.
The interpretation of a bird dream is extremely complex: each species has its own symbolism, which varies in different cultures. An owl is a great example: in some parts of Africa it is associated with death, when in Europe it means wisdom, knowledge. In ancient Egypt or Persia the hoopoe was a symbol of virtue, while in many European countries it is associated with a thief and in Scandinavia even with the war omen. Another factor influencing the diversity of birds' dream interpretations is the strong presence of birds in culture and art - in fairy tales, movies, music and books. Here their image is also extremely diverse - from the ugly duckling to Donald Duck, or the bloodthirsty birds of Hitchcock.
In this entry we present a general interpretation of dreams about bird, showing only the general symbolism of particular species. For more detailed interpretation, please refer to the other entries.
The most common meanings of dreams about birds:
- Freedom, carefree life - especially if you see flying birds.
- Chirping and singing birds symbolize joy and love.
- Migratory birds mean obtaining some unexpected messages.
- Black birds, such as crows, ravens or magpies, are associated with misery and even death.
- Birds identified with wisdom or perception, e.g. the falcon, owl or hawk, indicate personal development.
- Dreams about pigeons, swans or sparrows can relate to love affairs, relationship with a partner.
- Birds of prey, such as the eagle or hawk can warn against enemies. When they are hunting for other animals, it is a warning of trouble in the sphere the victim represents - for example, a pigeon means emotional affair, and stork – family issues.
- Killing birds, shooting them, announces some loss in life, failure.
- A sick or injured bird announces family problems.
- A bird in a cage reflects your longing for freedom, lack of freedom, limitations. The dream can also mean that you are over-protective towards someone.
- A bird at home announces good news for its residents.
- Birds circling high above your head warn against enemies.
- Birds sitting on a tree announce a trip.
- If the dreamer dreams that he or she is a bird and flies, it illustrates their high ambitions and potential.
- A beautifully feathered bird predicts meeting of a rich or conceited man.
- A tiny bird reflects the poor man.
- Catching bird - larger property.
- Feeding birds - the wedding, new acquaintance. You will have loud and jolly guests.
- Clipping the bird’s wings suggests you will lose a chance if you get discouraged too quickly and give up.
- Sitting birds - mourning.
- Birds that peck you around your neck or face suggest that you gossip too much.
- Fighting birds - a fuss between friends.
- A bird flying in the dark symbolizes some unlucky event.
- A bird with the sun in the background heralds successful events in life.
- A dovecote - abundance, good financial streak.
- The dream about a nest is connected with the family home, so nesting birds point to a successful life, the comfort of children and a partner. Similar is the meaning of chicks or eggs in the nest. In contrast, a destroyed nest points to family trouble, misunderstandings with loved ones. An empty one means loneliness.
- A white bird - peaceful life.
- A black bird - hard test.
- A red bird - passion.
- A blue bird - happiness.
Individual species of birds:
- Canary – you will meet an interesting person.
- Common crane - longevity, wisdom, honor, fidelity.
- Cuckoo - bird, which is identified with cunning, parasitism, ruthlessness. When you see a cuckoo throwing egg into the nest of other birds, it is a warning against insidious, self-interested people. If you hear cuckooing, the dream bears good news. A cuckoo in a clock indicating a particular hour means tight schedules, time pressure, and the last moment to do something.
- Duck - if you see it diving in water, it signals the need for self-reflection and introspection.
- Eagle - power, strength, intelligence, psychic energy, authority. An eagle flying high means that you will be honored with great accomplishments, you will dominate over others. A similar meaning is the eagle on the mountain top - fame and fortune. If the eagle attacks you, then you should be careful with a dangerous rival. When the eagle is friendly, the dream may indicate the support of a wise guardian.
- Eagle owl - was once heavily exterminated because it was associated with evil and death. Consequently, many dream books point to the unfortunate prophecy connected with seeing or hearing this bird in a dream.
- Falcon - wisdom, knowledge, power, perceptiveness.
- Goose - a symbol of stupidity, unreasonable behavior. If you hear the squawk of a goose, it is a hint that you are the subject of gossip. However, the dream has a good meaning when you see a goose with a gander. It’s a symbol of a successful marriage, fertility.
- Hawk - this bird represents the sharpness of vision, alertness - is considered a symbol of royal power and messenger of the gods.
- The hawk hunting the dreamer warns of danger.
- Hen - mundaneness, stupidity, caring, motherhood.
- Heron - a serious and subtle person.
- Kingfisher - fidelity, peace.
- The lilac-breasted roller -a lie and a scam.
- Magpie - greed, joy of life, sexual pleasure.
- Nightingale - bird associated with love, sexual delight, or romanticism. Its singing proclaims happiness in relationship. The sad song of the nightingale can, however, refer to the longing for happiness.
- Ostrich - if you see it hiding its head in the sand, the dream is an allusion to your cowardice.
- Owl - wisdom, knowledge, sometimes death (see eagle owl).
- Parrot – a talkative person.
- Peacock - pride, arrogance. The dream may herald meeting the handsome partner or a beautiful woman. Peacock’s feathers warn of ridicule, while its calling - of danger.
- Pigeon - a universal symbol of love, harmony, reconciliation, innocence. A pair of pigeons symbolizes a happy relationship, while black pigeons are associated with misfortune.
- Pheasant - reflects the conceited man; the symbol of prosperity.
- Raven, crow - in folk beliefs these birds are associated with sadness, mourning and even death.
- Rooster - feistiness, alertness, rebirth.
- Seagull – a far journey.
- Sparrow - a fertile and energetic bird, therefore in some cultures it is associated with sexual symbolism. In China, for example, he is identified with a penis, and in the arts of the West, a woman with a sparrow in her hand is an allusion to promiscuity. Chirping sparrows warn against being exposed to gossip, while flying ones mean vain promises.
- Stork - a good sign for people trying to have children; the announcement of a successful trip. For emigrants this bird symbolizes longing for home.
- Swallow - is associated with unexpected and good news, because it is a bird announcing the arrival of spring. However, when swallows are black and sinister, this should be considered a bad omen. Swallows arriving at the house point to news that touches the dreamer's psyche.
- Swan - inspiration, fidelity, poetry, romanticism. The Greek god Apollo traveled often by a chariot drawn by swans. White swan - joy, happy future. Black swan - immoral pleasure. Dead swans - warning of wasting a chance for love.
- Turkey - vanity, conceit. In many cultures, however, it symbolizes happiness, prosperity and abundance.
- Vulture - the symbol of rapacity and greed. The sinister symbolism is emphasized by the Greek myth in which two vultures feasted on the liver of Prometheus chained to a rock.
- Woodpecker – watch out for people from your environment.
- Wren - for the Native Americans it’s the symbol of happiness. For the Welsh wren is the small king of birds.