A dream, in which there is the male of a domestic chicken, because of the rich symbolism and iconography can refer to a variety of situations in your life. It can involve religion, the spiritual sphere, male-female relations, or professional matters. A rooster is a valued and respected creature, so the dream should be a good omen for the future.
A rooster has accompanied people for years, so this creature has earned the ambiguous symbolism. The dream is best interpreted on the basis of your own associations with the rooster. Some suggestions are below.
- A rooster was present at the birth of Jesus Christ; it also symbolizes the Resurrection of the Lord and His coming again on the Judgment Day. The dream about a rooster can therefore be a reminder to the believer to pray, a visit to the church, or the conversion.
- The male of a domestic chicken heralds a new day, awakening, renewal, or alertness. According to legends, supernatural beings from the hostile worlds lose their powers when the rooster crows three times. This activity symbol therefore suggests the dreamer to act in some important areas of life or get more involved in some actions.
- In ancient times roosters were sacrificed to the Greek god Aesculapius in gratitude for recovery. Therefore, this creature is associated with healing and the regeneration of strength. The dream is a good omen for patients, but also for those who are exhausted and overworked.
- Pagans sacrificed a rooster at harvest time to collect good crops. Therefore, you can expect luck in business, career advancement and joy in different areas of life.
- A dream about a rooster is a good omen for men, because it is a symbol of a man, his strength, dominance and pride. Due to its aggressiveness and feistiness the rooster may also apply to women who like to be dominant in the company and express their opinions. However, girls frequently see the rooster as a symbol of fertility, sexual activity, or the personification of the character traits their partners.
- According to some dream books the dream about a rooster may mean latent homosexuality.
- A rooster has a “bird-brain”, so it can also be the symbol of naivety, stupidity or vanity.
Detailed meaning of the dream:
- The characteristic crowing of the cock, heard in the whole village, is a reflection of confidence, and even a slight cockiness and arrogance of the dreamer. Depending on your beliefs, it can also mean good or bad news.
- Roosters fight is a symbol of a serious quarrel which may occur in your family or among friends. In addition, none of the sides will be willing to yield.
- Seeing the rooster may be a harbinger of a fire or suspicion regarding your person.
- A rooster laying eggs is a very optimistic prophecy boding cash flow.
- A rooster surrounded by hens is a sign for the dreamer that some acquaintance will turn into love.
- Catching the rooster is an achievement heralding success in life, showing skills and brilliance of the dreamer.
- A strutting rooster is the announcement of the argument with someone very intrusive. The big rooster can inform you that your opponent is very dangerous.
- For women a rooster may mean obscene pleasures.
- When you see the rooster harassing a hen, the dream is a warning against the dangers.
- Seeing the rooster walking around in the morning is the announcement of success in life. For a single woman it may mean meeting a strong proud partner. However, if you see the rooster at night, then the dream heralds a disaster.