Berry is a fruit that has many advantages - it is tasty, it grows in our country, provides many vitamins and helps in the treatment of various ailments. A dream, in which you’re tucking in the berries, should be treated as a good omen for the future, regarding both health and pleasures of life. The positive meaning of fantasy can be spoilt by the black, red or rotten berries, because they promise less favorable events in your life.
Detailed meaning of the dream:
- Eating berries in a dream is a sign that you care about your and your family future. However, according to the Old Polish dream book eating berries heralds health problems or disputes within family.
- A dream in which you relish berries sometimes has a sexual overtone. When you do it in the company, a fantasy can portray a strong desire for a person who is in the dream.
- Ripe berries spell good health.
- Unripe and withered fruits mean that quarrels and worries await you in the near future. Other explanation of the dream indicates that you have to put a lot of effort to achieve your goals.
- Picking berries is a prophecy that you will succeed, of course, if you will persistently pursue your goals.
- When you are looking for berries in a dream and can’t find any, it reflects pointless effort in the real life. On the other hand, if you find berries, you’ll gain quick profit.
- Collecting red berries is a warning that someone from your relatives can get sick or even die.
- Blueberries symbolize love troubles or minor worries.
- Gamblers or other fans of games of chance may dream about white berries, as it means winning. Whether they want to risk their own money to check it out or not depends on the dreamer.
- If in the dream someone offers you a basket of berries it is a good a prophecy that soon you will meet someone interesting. When you give berries to someone, the dream means that you will be popular in the newly-known company or impress someone.