Trees are beautiful and powerful plants, which in the past were considered as a home of the gods. They show the connection of the spirit, nature and the afterlife (they take roots in the soil, and their leaves reach the sky). This is why since ancient times trees symbolize human’s life. People eagerly look for similarities to trees and worship them. Not surprisingly, the trees often appear in horoscopes and people’s night fantasies.
A dream, in which you see a lonely tree, is an expression of the state of your physical and mental balance. If it is nice, healthy, young or flowering, this dream has positive significance and reflects the good condition of the dreamer. Withered or dying tree without leaves means a deterioration of health; a disease.
Interpretations of dreams about trees are varied, because they also depend on the specific situation and on the plant species. All meanings were gathered in one entry! The entry also refers to the Gallic horoscope, which shows the similarity of people and trees.
- Planting trees is related with setting up the family; implementation of major life plans; working on some important project. This dream can be particularly important for a man.
- Seeing lumberjacks cutting down a dead tree is a bad omen. Someone older, sick or disabled from your surroundings will die. If the chopped tree is green and healthy, it is the announcement of the sudden death of a person enjoying a good health. The dream can also refer to some project - lumberjacks suggest that none of it will come out. If you cut down a tree in a dream by yourself, you should expect a loss of assets.
- A tree with dense foliage promises profits, while the plant without leaves means loss or symbolizes the possibility of an accident.
- Branches directed toward the ground, touching it, express depression, apathy or disaffection of the dreamer. Branches tied up to the trunk are a reflection of the lack of freedom of living and independence.
- Trunk, which is bent or has unnatural shape suggests the dreamer, he should relax, because this vision reflects fatigue, excess duties and overwhelming pressure. A hole or a crack in the trunk seen in a dream symbolizes traumatic or painful accident.
- A tree torn by lightning is a reflection of serious conflicts bothering the soul of the dreamer. Internal dilemmas are often existential and can cause trouble in real life.
- Dug or undercut roots are the symbol of detachment from reality and lack of stability in life. The loss of ground under the feet can have various causes: binge drinking, drugs or peer pressure.
- Leaves of plants and trees reflect changes in the nature and wildlife; flowering and dying. Beautiful green leaves characterize a dream coming true. Damaged, colored and wilted ones mean concerns and worries.
- If the dreamer sees falling leaves, he should relate this vision to his health. This may be a signal of upcoming illness, injury or weakening of the immune system. Thereforeit is worth to go to the doctor and do control tests.
- Leaves, which are ill or destroyed by pests, predict skin diseases.
- Beautiful colorful flowers represent positive feelings, harmony and pleasant events.
- The meaning of fruit is associated with the success in life, development and the future of man. If they are healthy and tasty it is a sign that the dreamer will be paid for his hard and persistent work. Fruit also symbolize children and related issues.
- Picking fruit from the tree is the announcement of adventures.
- Seeing wood floating on water is an expression of bilked hopes.
- The tree, which is cut, is a symbol of lost hopes. Cutting this plant down is a sign that your insolence may cause harm.
- A dream in which you are climbing a tree portends happiness in the different areas. The meaning is the same when you’re dreaming that you’re shaking the tree. However, if in the dream you fall of the tree, it is a sign that you will have to endure jeer; you will be ridiculed.
- Sitting on a tree means honors, while sitting under one symbolizes some good news.
- Burning wood means mourning. Seeing a burning tree or forest is the announcement of a quarrel in the house.
- Carrying or buying a tree symbolizes financial difficulties.
Each tree has its symbolism, which can be applied to nature and human life. Here is how you should interpret the dreams with different types of trees.
The tree, which is known for its more than 1,000 species, occur in the tropical and subtropical area around the world, mainly in Africa. Acacia represents communication, intellect, creativity. It can mean success for people involved in broadly defined art, students or pupils.
- Sitting under the tree, or walking down the avenue where acacias grow, reflects a positive change or hope for a better life.
- Flowers of acacia promise the dreamer will meet disappointment and bitterness or great sadness.
- Acacia blooming in winter promises happiness and fulfillment of secret desires.
- The characteristic smell of acacia in a dream suggests that in reality you act immorally, dishonestly and dirty.
- Many people may wonder how to understand the dream, in which you collect acacia leaves. This is an announcement of digestive problems that may occur, for example, on an exotic vacation at the so-called "Pharaoh's Revenge".
- Climbing a tree heralds change, the dreamer should therefore make good use of the forthcoming "good luck".
- The sound of acacia announces winning at the lottery, in a casino or at the bookmaker. You are advised, however, to be very cautious in interpreting this type of dreams and treat gambling as entertainment and not the way to earn money.
Apple tree
An apple tree is a tree symbolizing youth, beauty, fertility, abundance, wisdom and love. The appearance of apple trees in the nocturnal fantasies is an excellent omen, reflecting the pursuit of the goal and entering favorable relations in life.
Fruits of apple trees can often occur in people's dreams. Eating tasty apples announces luck (e.g. A happy marriage), but if the fruits are wormy, tasteless or poisoned, it is of course a negative sign, announcing parting and sorrow.
- Apples before harvest indicate progress in business
- When you see the apples in a dream it can be the announcement of a wedding or engagement.
- If in the dream you see blossoming apple tree, it means progress in business or receiving an important message.
Beech is a tree that is associated with strength, confidence and serenity. This may reflect a man with leadership skills; a person stepping firmly on the ground. For a woman the dream of beech may herald meeting a partner who will be a great help for her.
Birch identifies pure and natural life, beauty, femininity and love. The presence of this a tree in a dream is a very good sign for the man. It heralds meeting his dreamed partner, and if the dreamer is in a relationship, it reflects a successful sex life. The exceptions are dreams in which birch is deformed, sick, and leafless - for a man it is an expression of the current psychophysical state of a woman close to him.
- For the ladies dream with the birch will reflect the current psycho-physical condition. The most important here is the condition and look of the dreamed tree.
- Seeing a beautiful thriving birch heralds joy and happiness or successful motherhood.
- Old Polish Dream Book interprets the dream with the birch as a great but short happiness.
- Climbing on birch heralds happiness.
Cedar is a tree symbolizing strength, resilience, power and strength. For the sick the appearance of the plant is a harbinger of returning to full strength. Healthy people may in turn receive cedar as a symbol of dealing effectively with problems. It may also be the announcement of a meeting with someone famous.
- A withered, dead cedar announces failure in business or pain in your private life.
It is a tree dedicated to the Greek god of wild nature, vine and wine and debauchery - Dionysus. The plant represents fertility, eroticism, abundance, femininity, passion, so the dream in which it appears has a purely sexual meaning. In Christianity, the fig tree is a symbol of sinful lust and promiscuity.
- If in the dream the tree gives tasty fruit this is the announcement of luxury and prosperity. If the fruit are tasteless, it is a sign that you’ll be ill and poor.
A fir in a dream is a prelude to improving your life or health situation, means joy, energy, hope and optimism. The tree also symbolizes sexual potency.
Seeing a fir is the announcement of silent happiness. Once in a dream, our attention is drawn by cones growing on the fir, it means for us a pleasant surprise. If the cones are found under the tree, then it is a sign that in our lives, fortune will play an important role, fortunately, in a positive sense.
Hornbeam is a tree associated with strength, endurance and the adoptive skills. This may reflect a person with a strong character, introverted, walking their own paths.
A linden is a tree that promises rest, time spent in good company. This is a very positive sign for people who are looking for inspiration, beauty and inner peace. The sound of the linden announces important news.
A maple identifies inner peace, harmony and pleasant life.
A mulberry tree is a plant that means the need to be patient and hard-working. The dreamer should remember that only through persistence and systematic development they will be able to build the foundation for success in life.
Oak is a symbol of masculinity, strength, courage and wisdom. Seeimg oak tree in nocturnal fantasies is a prelude, or a reflection of well-being and self-confidence. Sometimes dream of the oak equates with male authority (e.g. a father, grandfather or brother). The bigger and more beautiful tree is the better for the dreamer.
If the tree is not in the best condition, the dream carries a negative message - health problems, weakness or loss of authority. Seeing a dead oak heralds parting with relatives or friends, and in extreme cases even their death. Some people have dreams in which they hide from the storm under a tree. If it is the oak, it is a sign that they’ll come out unscathed from the oppression that they met or will meet. Even when the weather is sunny, sitting under an oak tree stands for protection from evil; in this case, you can count on a devoted friend.
According to Old Polish Dream Book view of the oak in a dream promises benefits and richness, while withered one is an expression of sad relations. Cutting the oak down is a symbol of courage and valor.
This exotic tree for Poles represents the most often luxury, wealth or rest a warmer climate.
Pear tree
The tree or its fruit is associated with harmony, vitality, femininity and abundance. It can also be a symbol of an open, social and friendly woman. Pear tree is a symbol of the sex life, but it can also reflect regular relationships. Its symbolism is almost identical to meaning of an apple tree in a dream.
A beautiful pine tree is associated with mysticism and inspiration. In a dream it often expresses detachment from reality and journey toward spiritual values, deeper reflection on your own life. Pine is a good sign for sensitive people, priests, clergy, philosophers and religious people. For others it may be an attempt to draw attention to the spiritual world.
The pine is also a sign informing that the dreamer has devoted and faithful friends.
Poplar tree
Dreams, where the main motive is a poplar tree, mean following the right path or the announcement of entering it. The poplar tree also symbolizes the connection of opposites; duality. Besides it has a strong link with the world of magic and the dead. It can also mean pain and wisdom and at times war.
A spruce is a tree identified with strength and perseverance.
A willow is not a very merry tree, associate rather with sorrow, suffering and melancholy. A dream in which there is this species of tree may be associated with depression and the need for support, breakup or addiction to alcohol. A willow over the water represents melancholy days; a weeping willow means mourning in the family.
Fortunately the willow has also a favorable symbolism relating to magic, rebirth from a seemingly hopeless situation. A willow in a dream can be a sign that not everything is lost yet and you ought not to give up so quickly.