Everyone who cares about their body should regularly eat fruit, which are the source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Not without reason, fruit are also described as the main food in the visions of heavenly life. This is why a dream about fruit may be perceived very positively, as a symbol of abundance, health, wealth, fertility, and pleasure. It is worth remembering that almost every fruit has its own symbolism, and in this entry the general meaning of the dream is presented. However, if one of the fruit is very often present in nocturnal fantasies, you may find the corresponding entry in this dream book.
Detailed meaning of the dream:
- Ripe, sweet and beautiful fruit represent success in professional and private life, pleasures, true feelings, fertility, abundance, and wealth.
- Rotten or spoiled fruit are a negative symbol. They suggest you are wasting energy on unnecessary things; you're frustrated, unable to take care of yourself and your family.
- Unripe fruit reflect the lack of willingness to make responsible decisions.
- Sweet and tasty fruit symbolize the completed plans, pleasures.
- Bitter fruit herald difficulties in a project.
- Fruit seen on the market or in the shop herald a new beneficial acquaintance.
- Fruit in a bowl or basket are symbolize the visit of guests, or you'll be invited somewhere.
- If you treat someone with fruit, it is a sign you woo that person. On the other hand, when someone treats you, it should be seen as a warning against seduction.
- Seeing the fruit on the trees heralds prosperity, success.
- Shaking the tree to get fruit is a warning that with violence you will not achieve the intended objectives; on the contrary, you can get into trouble.
- The dream about fruit preserves is a favorable sign meaning that you are well-stocked for hard times; you can handle in the case of a crisis.
- Large amounts of fruit spell big earnings.
- A sour fruit means misfortune, embarrassing situations that can happen to you.
- According to an old Polish dream book buying fruit warns of tricksters.
- Dried fruit - unexpected visit.
- Wild fruit - worries.
- Wormy fruit are a reference to people with low instincts.
- Apples, cherries, raspberries are the symbol of temptation, sin, lust, and passion.
- Grapes mean prosperity, abundance, and wealth.
- Apricots, peaches, pears, melons represent feminine energy, fertility, and sensuality.
- Bananas are the fruit of a phallic shape, so in dreams they are associated with the penis and erotic symbols.
- Date fruit represent success in business.