A bat is one of the most mysterious mammals inhabiting our planet. It is a nocturnal creature, so in folk beliefs for centuries, it has been associated with the forces of darkness, black magic, ghosts, and Satan. Therefore the dream about the bat is most often explained as the fear of the unknown, anxiety, or even as the omen of death around you.
Fortunately it does not always have such a pessimistic explanation, since bats also symbolize rebirth. This is why such a dream is a clear sign to change bad habits in your life, believe more in yourself, and trust your intuition.
Other meaning:
- Bats can illustrate madness, as presented in the painting of Francisco Goya "The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters." The hero is attacked by ghosts painted as owls and bats.
- Seeing the bat is a warning against risky business.
- A flying bat is an omen foretelling disaster, death of a partner, or parting with a loved one.
- A white bat is the announcement of particularly bad events, such as an accident or a disaster.
- Capturing a bat is a good omen indicating the improvement of some bad situation, for example, for patients it may be the announcement of recovery.
- Seeing several bats symbolizes progress in business.
- If in your dream you're running away from the bats, it reflects your fear of knowing the dark side of your personality, your demons.
- A nightmare, in which the bat tangled in your hair, is a warning against wasting energy on unnecessary conflicts and quarrels that will bring only chaos into your life.
- If you hear a distinctive bat squeak, it portends a situation where you have to follow your intuition.
- If you are attacked by a bat, it indicates that there is a very jealous person around you who will try to destroy your happiness.
- The Chinese recognize two bats as a symbol of happiness, wealth, longevity and death with dignity.