All mythical monsters and ghosts come for people at night, so clearly darkness is associated with fright, fear of the unknown, mystery, and death. Night in a dream may represent the worst fears of the dreamer, lack of confidence, difficult and ambiguous situations in life, or anxiety. This is why the dream about the night should be treated as a general warning.
Fortunately, the night can also have a positive aspect. It is time for sleeping, rest and regeneration. In the mythology the night is often portrayed as a quiet character with folded wings. A lot therefore depends on whether the night is quiet or perhaps stormy and gloomy.
Detailed meaning of the dream:
- A clear starry night symbolizes the long peaceful happy life. However, a walk during the night usually portends that you’ll soon get into trouble.
- A dark night means hard times. For a person who has a job is a sign that he/she will soon lose it, while for the unemployed for a long time it means they will not find it.
- A stormy night in a dream is first of all a warning signal spelling problems in the relationship, which can lead to separation.
- A gloomy night means that you are in extreme danger.
- When you see someone at the night, the dream spells that you will wrestle with huge financial losses. You will experience poverty and you'll have to count every penny.
- Wandering at night indicates that you are in danger.
- If night in your dream fell suddenly, it is a warning against rapid changes.
- Twilight symbolizes changes in your life.
- Dawn means the improvement of living conditions.
- If from a dream about night you remember looking into the sky the most, it is a sign that for some reason you feel threatened.
- A wedding night portends nice and pleasant moments.
Symbols that may occur during the dream about the night are: the moon, the stars, forest animals, nocturnal birds, masks.