Butterflies belong to a small group of insects that are beautiful and "friendly". They neither sting, nor bite. In ancient beliefs the butterfly symbolized immortality, and its life cycle is a good example: crawling caterpillar (life) - chrysalis (death) - free flying soul (resurrection). The Greek myth of Psyche, a young girl with butterfly wings, clearly identifies the insect with the personification of the soul. Therefore, the dream about the butterfly is a harbinger of metamorphosis that awaits you in the near future. Changes for the better may refer to both personal appearance and the way of thinking. The larger the insect in a dream, the more significant changes await you.
Nothing is perfect in real life, so the butterfly also can be a bad sign. In a negative sense, the dream about the butterfly symbolizes recklessness, carelessness, and transient beauty. Such a vision can be addressed especially to the moody and labile people who cannot find their place in life. According to the Egyptian-Chaldean dream book the butterfly in a dream means infidelity or inconstancy.
Other meaning:
- Seeing a butterfly near your friend or acquaintance may suggest that you cannot count on them in difficult situations.
- Admiring the butterfly in a dream suggests that you too often judge people superficially, only by their appearance.
- For a young woman a butterfly may herald an honest spouse. It is worth mentioning that in Japanese culture two butterflies symbolize marital happiness.
- A flying butterfly heralds a letter or receiving a message. Other explanation of the dream is associated with pleasure and the energy you get from the relationship with your loved one.
- Dead butterflies represent unrealized goals and conflicts at work, often caused by your supercilious behavior.
- Catching a butterfly means that you will discover a betrayal of a friend or partner.
- Killing a butterfly is obviously a bad sign. It may be synonymous with "killing" some feelings or friendship.
- A running away butterfly reflects the elusive luck or transient feeling. But when you are chasing the insect and you manage to catch it, the dream can foretell the engagement or the new relationship (for singles).
- A kaleidoscope of butterflies sitting on flowers is a good omen; you can expect success in many areas of life. You should also check entries about particular flowers in the dream book.
- If in a dream a butterfly lands on your body, for example, on the hand, then it is a portent of the fulfillment of dreams. However, you should take into account that the realization of desires requires time and, above all, the will of the dreaming person.
- You should pay attention to the color of a butterfly, because it sometimes matters. For example, a black butterfly may be a harbinger of death in the family / the loss of a loved one.