Turtles bring positive thoughts, mainly due to their longevity. In many cultures, this creature is the symbol of happiness, strength, patience, endurance, fertility and cosmic order. In western symbolism it is associated with the maxim "Festina lente" (slow and steady wins the race). The dream about a turtle can therefore be interpreted as a signal that it is better to do something more slowly, but more accurately. This interpretation should be taken by impatient people who always expect quick results, as at the foundation of every success should lie solid foundations.
Other meaning:
- As a long-lived creature, a turtle can refer to experienced people. If you have such people around you, learn from their experiences.
- A tortoise foretells a long and peaceful life.
- Sea turtle - interesting events.
- Killing a turtle - you will lose the trust of someone close.
- A turtle hidden in the shell is a sign that you avoid taking important decisions, responsibility and contact with the outside world.
- The vision of a turtle lying on its back warns that unwise behavior will turn your life upside down.
- An empty turtle shell is a signal that you avoid challenges.
- Eating turtle soup warns against immoral behavior.