The puppy symbolizes a faithful, selfless friend and reflects the well-being of the dreamer. The sight of a charming little dog in your dream is therefore a good omen for the future regarding professional and social life, although it can also be treated as a suggestion to show people more care and sympathy.
Detailed meaning:
- A puppy in a dream means you have a friend you can trust.
- A dream about healthy, strong puppies promises a successful professional project. The number of puppies can be even an indication to estimate its size or approximate time of its implementation.
- Taking care of puppies reflects the caring nature of the dreamer. You care about socializing. Taking a puppy in a dream indicates your sensitivity and that you like helping the weaker.
- Hungry puppies - minor worries.
- Sick puppies - poverty, worries or illness of a loved one.
- A dead puppy is a warning against neglecting contacts with a friend or a good acquaintance.
- Killing a puppy - a nightmare in which you do such a shameful act can be explained by stress and the intensity of negative, long-suppressed emotions.
- A howling puppy can be a subconscious attempt to warn you of danger.