A dream in which there is a pregnancy is a sign that you are going through a metamorphosis and developing in the right direction - because pregnancy symbolizes progress, creativity, new plans, ideas and great creative potential. Interestingly, the dream may concern both girls and boys. But what about the women who are really pregnant? Therefore, at the very beginning it is worth to divide interpretations of the dream of pregnancy into two parts - for pregnant women and individuals who still aren’t expecting children.
For pregnant women
If a woman has a dream related to pregnancy, childbirth or miscarriage, it naturally reflects the emerging thoughts and concerns about her current state. This applies particularly to girls, for whom this will be their first child. Fear of previously unknown situation finds its outlet in nocturnal fantasies. Therefore, do not receive such dreams too literally, especially those inauspicious.
It happens that women in the first trimester of pregnancy dream of tiny creatures, animals, flowers, fruits, and water. In the second trimester of pregnancy dreams usually reflect anxiety about the health of a son or daughter, being a good mother and dealing with the upbringing of the child. During this period, common are also dreams about the birth of the child. In the third trimester of pregnancy, when the body changes and grows, sometimes there are dreams of whales, elephants, dinosaurs and other large creatures. During the nine months they may have nightmares about infidelity or death of a partner.
It is normal that pregnant women and their partners speculate on what will be the sex of the baby. According to the dream books a child seen on the arm of a man heralds the birth of a boy, while on the woman's shoulder - a girl. It also happens that in dreams people ask you questions related to the sex of the child, but your answers also need to be considered from the perspective of your own wishes.
For people without children
For people who do not expect any children, the dream of pregnancy is quite surprising. However, it should be interpreted as a metaphor for the birth of a new idea, concept, the direction they want to follow. Most of fantasies of this type mean therefore progress, creativity, a period rich in successful events, but some should be received as a warning about your life, including miscarriage, abortion or complications during the "dreamed" pregnancy.
Detailed meaning:
- If the pregnancy or childbirth is successful, it is a good sign for business or personal life. The near future will provide you with many opportunities that should be used in a creative way.
- If you feel negatively towards the pregnancy, by associating it even with the word "burden", then the nightmare must be understood as an image of dissatisfaction with life and the announcement of the incoming trouble.
- When a child is born sick or the fetus is dead the nightmare is associated with disappointment as well as illness and mourning.
- If you do not plan to have children, and in the dream you see yourself as a person in a blessed state, then it is a symbol of fear of new responsibilities.
- A dream in which you see a person in a blessed state means that this person is very close to you.
- When you are looking at a labour in a dream, it means that soon you will enrich at the expense of someone else.
- If an unmarried woman or a teenager dreams of childbirth, then she should watch out for loss of reputation, moral scandal with her participation and receive it as a warning against immoral behavior, making some foolish mistake.
- If a widow is dreaming about her own pregnancy or childbirth, it portends real revolution in her life. There is a good chance that she will meet a new man, who may bring a breath of fresh air into her life. For women mourning their husbands it may be a signal that she needs to finally shake the pain off and try to sort her life out.
- When in a dream, your wife or partner is pregnant, it means that soon you will probably be a father.
- If your partner is pregnant and bears a child of another man, it means that her plans are heading in a completely different direction than you expected.
- When a widower dreams of a pregnant woman, it is a sign that he can count on the support of relatives and friends.
- Abortion is a clear signal to the dreamer that he ceased to develop and pursue new goals. The nightmare of abortion can be caused by pressure and fears of criticism, desperation or some internal conflicts.
- The dream of a pregnancy test reflects a readiness for change of the sleeping person. If the result is positive, then it means that you are ready for a new stage in your life. A negative result indicates that you should rethink your decisions.
- The umbilical cord reflects the strong ties linking you with your parents. The dream may also suggest that you should finally become independent.
- If mother dies during childbirth, then the dream means that she should definitely end some stage in her life.
- Caesarean birth means that you need help in developing your idea; accomplishing an objective.
- Ultrasonography in a dream is a confirmation that your efforts put in a task will pay off in the future.
- When the dreamer dreams that he/she is infertile, then it is a signal that he/she lacks creativity.