This guitar is a musical instrument, which skillfully used is able to inspire the crowds. Carlos Santana, Jimi Hendrix, Slash, Eric Clapton or Jimmy Page are world famous musicians who owe their success to the guitar. Therefore, you should consider whether the dream of this iconic object is a harbinger of fame and wealth.
Sure, not everyone who had a dream about the guitar will be a great musician, but certainly it is a favorable sign. The guitar reflects the emotions, passion, love, so the dreamer may expect positive events in his life. Most dream book interprets the dreams about the guitar as a harbinger of good fun, positive feelings, receiving a gift or good news.
The negative meaning of the dream about the guitar appears when the motive is selling and destruction of the "magical" instrument.
Other meaning:
- Playing the guitar is a dream which heralds love. The dream is also very often perceived as a symbol of sexual intercourse.
- The view or the sound of this instrument should be treated as a harbinger of good and sumptuous fun. The dream is particularly desirable before the New Year.
- According to the Egyptian-Chaldean dream book the guitar means an unexpected ball.
- According to an old Polish dream book this instrument heralds a gift.
- Buying a guitar announces positive events in the life of the dreamer. Selling it spells financial problems or a small problem.
- The instrument which is damaged or out of tune is associated with the breakdown of a relationship and emotional problems.
- Electric guitar reflects the power and strength of the dreamer, passion and ability to express opinions and judgments loudly. This type of guitar is also considered the symbol of rebellion. In a negative sense, it may mean that the dreamer too obsessively wants to impress others.
- The bass guitar portends good company and you may even refresh some old acquaintances.