Music has accompanied man for centuries. Prehistoric people played on shells and flutes imitating the voices of nature. The influence of music on the human psyche cannot be overestimated. It can cause joy, affection, crying or laughter. Dreams in which you sing or hear music usually refer to your well-being and character. If the dream is about a lively, cheerful melody, it reflects your good mood. When you hear grim or sad sounds, it reflects your melancholy.
Detailed meaning:
- Cheerful singing means good humor and promises you will have a reason to be happy.
- When you sing or play a sad ballad, it is a sign of sadness and disappointment.
- Listening to music with pleasure augurs a peaceful and long life.
- If the music is irritating, the dream reflects your irritation and worse mood.
- Loud music signals that you should pay more attention to something.
- Listening to singing - joy, cheerful day, good humor.
- Dance music / club music - you need fun and rest.
- Choral music - joy, happiness.
- Rap, rock or metal reflect rebellion and nonconformist attitude. If you do not listen to such music on a daily basis, your dream may indicate that you are dealing with the wrong people.
- Relaxation music -: you will be among the close people, you need to calm down and distance yourself from reality.
- Classical music suggests you should behave in a bit more dignified way in your life. Sometimes it is a harbinger of sophisticated cultural entertainment.
- Jazz or Blues reflect the sadness and melancholy mood of the dreamer.
- A song about love signals that the dreamer has fallen in love.
- An old song may indicate that you are old-fashioned, you do not move with the times.
- Obscene songs - extravagance.
- Out of tune singer - disappointment.
- If you hear a popular radio song, it means that people will welcome you everywhere
- Singing in a choir means that you have devoted friends; you manage well in a group.
- Composing music is a symbol that indicates the creative period in your life, discovering new possibilities.
- If the dreamer is singing a solo, it is a sign that one has their own opinion and is an individualist.
- Bird singing - outdoor fun, harmony, joy, love.
- If you hear the national anthem or a sports fan song, the dream means success in business or love.