In the Jewish religion, the dough was associated primarily with the escape of the people from Egypt, during which the Israelites had taken acidified dough with themselves. In those years it was rather identified with corruption, but over time this approach has changed. Today cake is with us during the holidays, name days, birthdays, and many other celebrations spent with family and friends.
A cake reflects the positive mental state and joy if only because of its sweet taste that almost every pleasure. Fire and heat, which are needed for baking also, emphasize the good associations. Both in life and in the dream are associated with certain circumstances. If you're dreaming about cake you can be sure that soon something nice will happen. The very texture of the dough and add-ons can point to what exactly you will meet in the near future. Chocolate cake means reward for your hard work and effort, while the walnut announces that you will finally deal with a difficult issue. Fruits, such as apples, raspberries, strawberries, cherries usually symbolize luck in love, passionate moments with your partner or newly met person.
The symbolism of the dough is in most cases positive, but sometimes it is presented also in a negative light. In the Old Polish dream book it is associated with minor adversities, for example, eating mean something unpleasant and cutting - dashed hopes.
Detailed meaning:
- Eating a cake announces many small pleasures in the incoming days.
- Mixing the dough means that you will achieve satisfactory results of your work.
- Seeing the dough: you will soon witness a visit of decent guests.
- Baking: sudden, positive message or creative period in your life.
- Buying a cake means that some nice social event awaits you in the near future.
- Cake served for dessert symbolizes the prize; joyful end of an important task.
- Buying a cake is associated with success and recognition. For the dreamer it may also mean that he feels at ease in the spotlights. This bodes well for beginner musicians and actors.
- A partially eaten cake symbolizes the lost of opportunities.
- If in a dream you eat a cake alone or do not want to share it, it can reflect your selfishness in real life.
- Dough warns against excessive extravagance, the life on credit.
- The peanut cake means that in the end you will notice the effects of your hard work. According to the saying "a tough nut to crack" the dream may mean that you manage to solve a difficult problem. The dream can be interpreted in the context of the nuts - hazelnuts symbolize success in love whereas coconuts refer to the abundance and wealth.
- Lemon cake announces that something will disturb your good humor.