The sight of the corpse in a dream curdles your blood, but there is no need to worry. This is not an early announcement of death, but on the contrary - good health, a successful wedding or the birth of a child in a family.
Other meaning:
- If you see yourself as a corpse, this is a sign that you will free yourself from some difficult problem or worry.
- The embalmed corpse is a warning to better take care of your health.
- A dancing corpse is the announcement of an inheritance or other unexpected cash inflow.
- A stinking corpse heralds trouble.
- According to the Egyptian-Chaldean dream book, the nightmare in which you see a lot of corpses announces a feast with the family.
- A corpse tossed to the grave means parting with a loved one.
- An autopsy seen in a dream can be a suggestion that the dreamer too often analyzes the past and lives on memories.