For people with a son:
The dream reflects the natural relationship with the son and relates to everyday matters. According to the dream book, a dream about your own son is a harbinger of professional successes and privilege achieved through honest work. A sad, depressed boy can, however, signal minor problems and ailments.
- A sick or crippled son - accident or illness.
- Son's cry warns of danger.
- The funeral of a son announces breakup with someone close.
- A skinny son announces difficult times for your wallet.
For people expecting a son:
Dreams about a son reflect fears related to the time of pregnancy, childbirth and testing yourself in the role of a mother or father. However, you should not take them too literally, especially when the vision is disturbing, like the miscarriage or giving birth to a monster.
For people without children:
- If you dream about becoming a parent, then it predicts changes in your life.
- When you have a son in your dream, it may reflect your hopes for a better future or successful investments.