It is hard to imagine a greater love than the one, which a mother has for a child. From the moment of conception is the child’s anchor, and cares about the development and safety of the kid. This is why dreams about the mother accompany people throughout their lives, even in old age. Most often such dreams are a reflection of the actual relations with your mother, but how to interpret nightmares? For example, those in which you kill your own mother, or have sex with her.
In a positive sense the dream about the mother symbolizes fertility, love, wisdom, security, and maternal instinct. The negative symbolism is connected with the absolute ruler, destroyer, or the being devouring her own child.
A mother may appear in your dreams in various forms. Here are some of them:
- A mother / Wet Nurse / Nurse are a source of love, warmth of the hearth, or safety.
- The Empress / Queen symbolize power, strength and wisdom.
- A Warrior / Hunter protect against bursts of uncontrollable instincts.
- The priestess is a confidante of secrets and mysteries of life.
- A Witch, Hag is a synonym of evil or destroyer; the mother having the worst characteristics.
A mother may also appear in the form of a spider, dragon, bear, cow, moon, ocean, or a garden gate.
The dream of the mother should be interpreted according to a specific key:
- If the mother is busy around the house, cheerful, sensitive and happy, then the dream should be perceived as a symbol of a successful marriage and other life successes, such as pregnancy.
- Weeping or frightened mother is a warning of trouble.
- Sick or dying mother bodes death or a serious illness in the family.
- A mother crying for help is a sign that you neglect your most important responsibilities.
Other meaning:
- If in a dream your mother hugs you, it means that fate will favor you.
- A conversation with a mother bodes a great message.
- If you dream of a mother who is no longer among the living, this is the proof that she watches over you and warns of the lack of caution in life. The words or gestures of the late mother may have great impact on the meaning of the dream. According to the Old Polish and Egyptian-Chaldean dream books a nightmare in which you see a dead mother bodes you a long life.
- The dream of a living mother heralds a successful family life. While the nightmare in which your mother dies reflects remorse or guilt.
- A nightmare in which you beat your mother portends misfortunes in your family, including those worst ones.
- Killing a mother in a nightmare may mean that someone close to you will have a serious accident.
- Sexual intercourse with your mother heralds difficult days, the loss of honor, and disgrace in real life. The nightmare can also be explained as the need to free yourself from the power of the mother, or the desire to come closer to her emotionally. Such a dream may come especially during adolescence, when a man meets his sexuality.
- A godmother symbolizes grief.
- For an adult person a dream about living with the mother means the lack of security and the comfort of living, and looking for support.