For obvious reasons, a dream about husband comes almost only to women. Depending on the circumstances and the context in which there is a spouse, the dream will have different meanings. It is difficult to interpret the fantasy of caring smiling husband, the same like a nightmare, where the spouse is beating or betrays you. And what about the women who still do not have a husband? It is worth getting to know the very interesting symbolism of dreams about a husband.
The attitude of the husband to his wife and the words spoken by him are very important for the meaning of the dream.
- A satisfied smiling husband points to the harmonious marriage and sorted out emotional matters. A woman, who has such a dream, should be happy, because it means she is loved and appreciated by her husband.
- The nightmare, in which the husband mistreats his wife and beats her, reflects disagreements in their marriage and her fear of him. Often, such a vision is unfortunately consistent with the way the man treats his woman in real life. For a girl it is a clear signal that it won’t be any better.
- In every relationship comes to arguments, therefore a quarrel with the spouse is a common motif in a dream. The reason of a fight is important to interpret the dream correctly. This can be jealousy, money, home affairs or perhaps in-laws. However, a dream about argument reflects a real misunderstanding of spouses or is the result of internal conflicts of the dreaming woman.
- If you dream about the sexual intercourse with your husband, it usually refers to mix-up in the sexual sphere. A fantasy about sex may appear, for example due to the lack of intimate contacts between the spouses.
- When a woman has a nightmare that her husband dies, then it is a signal that her relations with the husband have cooled down; it may even come to a divorce.
- If in the dream a husband leaves the woman, it bodes her sorrows and suffering, but fortunately everything will end well.
- A dream, in which a lonely woman dreams about getting married, probably does not herald it. On the contrary, she will have difficulty in finding a steady partner.
- For a widow the dream about her late husband should be treated as a warning against committing an error. The dream can also foretell a remarriage.
- If you dream about the husband of another woman, it is often the result of your unhappiness and failure in love. While in the case of a miss the dream about someone’s husband can be perceived as a response to loneliness, in the case of a married woman it is more complicated, especially if the dream reoccurs.
- The nightmare, in which the husband is cheating on you, is most likely a manifestation of the fear of just such a situation and the loss of a partner. But when you have reasonable suspicions of infidelity of your husband, the dream may indeed be the proverbial nail in the coffin.
- When a woman betrays her husband in a dream and in real life she is faithful, the dream means that she has some hidden hard-luck stories; she feels resentment or even disgust. However, if her marriage is happy, the dream simply expresses erotic fantasies, typical for both women and men.
- If you dream that the husband does not answer your phone calls or does not talk to you, it symbolizes a lack of mutual understanding and the cooling of relations, including those in bed.