The dream about a restaurant usually promises a nice meeting and good fun with the family or friends. The meaning of the dream largely depends on the company that is eating with you.
- Alone - you spend a lot of time thinking about the future, you have too many responsibilities, and you probably miss your loved ones.
- With family - the dream about a meal in a restaurant often heralds a nice family party, for example a wedding or baptism.
- With friends - a common feast with friends most often predicts success in a professional life or reflects a successful social life.
- With a beloved person - in your emotional life everything works out well, and you want to spend the most time with your other half.
Other meaning:
- Working in the restaurant promises success in career, satisfactory earnings.
- The railway restaurant – you will travel.
- Drinking at the restaurant - for people in love it means a cheating partner.
- Seeing other people in the restaurant warns against the disease.
- The dream in which the main character is the waiter suggests that you are putting someone else's needs above your own, and yet nobody appreciates you. The dream is therefore a suggestion to come to life a little more selfishly.