Bread is known for centuries. It’s the basic element of the daily human diet. The oldest sources of the history of material culture of Europe and the Middle East, as well as the Old Testament, mention of bread.
The dream about bread has a quite rich symbolism – it feeds the soul and the body of a man. It means joy, hard work, friendship, the feeling of hunger or sexual fantasies.
Detailed meaning:
- When the motive of the dream is buying, consumption, or simply seeing the bread, it’s a very good sign. This means that your friends are loyal and faithful. You can count on them in any situation.
- Dreams in which the bread is undercooked, tasteless, moldy, hard or stale reflect some negative situations in the life of the dreamer. Difficulties may involve, for example, finances or contacts with colleagues and friends. According to some dream books burned bread means a disease or even death.
- Baking bread symbolizes good luck, prosperity, peaceful future.
- A large loaf of bread symbolizes the loss.
- Slicing bread is a symbol of betrayal.
- When in a dream you are buttering bread, it is a reflection of prosperity in finance.
- Rye bread or barley bread is a harbinger of happiness in life, both in terms of material things, health and the heart.
- If in the dream you observe someone eating bread, and you’re hungry, it's probably a sign that someone else will succeed in what you desire. It can even be your friend or girlfriend.
- Sharing bread with another person reflects his good and honest character.
- Hiding bread in a bag or pocket indicates the dreamer that his selfish behavior will result in loneliness.
- Soft, fresh bread heralds guests in your house. You should buy some food unless you want to greet them with an empty table.
According to an old Polish dream book, the dream of bread has the following meanings:
- Baking bread bodes prosperity; you will manage to realize your plans.
- Carrying bread symbolizes the damage.
- Spoiled Bread is a sign that your happiness is open to question.
- Mouldy bread tells the dreamer that there is an enemy near him.
- Buying bread reflects some expenses of the family.