A dream about lunch can be interpreted in many ways, for instance, because of its taste (good - bad), ingredients (meat, fish, potatoes, soup), company, or generally as food.
Detailed meaning of the dream:
- Eating lunch in the company portends the celebration of a success.
- If you are eating lunch alone, the dream means lack of company, loneliness, privation, or warning against meanness and materialistic approach to life.
- When someone invites you to lunch, it portends a new interesting acquaintance.
- A richly laid lunch table bodes wealth.
- An empty table - poverty or conflicts with family members.
- Cooking lunch indicates that you should boldly pursue your ideas, even if others are reluctant and critical.
- A good tasty lunch bodes success in professional life, whereas an unsavory one shows bad relations with the environment.
- A simple lunch reflects the dreamer's feelings of guilt and remorse.
- If during lunch you have good appetite, it is a sign that you will reach your goals, and have a lot of energy. Once in a dream you can barely swallow the given food, you’ll be sick, or your loved ones will grumble about something.
- Burnt dinner heralds an unpleasant message.
Food served for lunch:
- Potatoes reflect mundane matters, everyday worries and joys. Dream is thus a sign that you have well-arranged life, though sometimes it lacks spontaneity.
- Eating meat symbolizes aggression, sexual intercourse. If you dreamed that rotten or red meat was served for lunch, it is a warning against health problems.
- Eating fish is associated with prosperity, material and spiritual wealth. Stale fish symbolize disappointment or illness.
- When you eat cabbage for lunch, it means you haven’t probably been very efficient lately, and too often allowed yourself to be lazy.
Read the entries associated with lunch, such as: "food", “meat”, “potatoes”, “fish”, “cabbage” etc.