Pigs do not have an easy life. It ends fairly quickly in the slaughterhouse, and what is more, bad people are unjustly compared to these animals. These facts are reflected in the way European dream books explain the dream about a pig.
The dreamer is a pig
- If you are a pig in your dream, the dream is a clear allusion to your wicked behavior, bad manners or low drives. Perhaps you are guilty of treason, theft or gossiping about someone.
- Another explanation of the dream in which you are a piglet or a sow is associated with sloppiness, dung and dirt. The dream may suggest that you should take more care of personal hygiene and cleanliness at home or place of work.
- There is one more explanation of the dream in which the dreamer turns into a pig. It is particularly important for obese people who have probably heard the terms "pig", "sow", "hog" etc. more often than not. The dream in such cases reflects low self-esteem due to being overweight, complexes or warns against excessive eating.
As it was mentioned, pigs are unjustly understood as a symbol of laziness, obesity or greed. In many cultures, the pig plays a much more positive role. It is the symbol of fertility, motherhood, happiness, or money. As an icon of fertility, it was worshiped in Egypt, Mesopotamia, Scandinavia or the Celtic countries. Therefore, a dream in which a pig feeds its young can have a particularly positive meaning for mothers or women waiting for offspring.
Other meaning:
- Sometimes a person who is unpopular is called a pig, which is why one can appear in a dream just in the form of this creature. Killing a pig in this context is a kind of outlet of suppressed aggression aimed at that person.
- Having a pig foretells wealth and prosperity. The dream is particularly beneficial for farmers.
- If you see a pig with piglets in a dream, this is a harbinger of a successful business.
- Fattening a pig means that you have invested your money well.
- Eating pig - moderate earnings.
- According to the Old Polish dream book, the dream about a wild pig warns against evil people who will want to harm you. However, if in a dream you can shoot it, then it means that without fear you will approach the opponent.
- Lard from a pig in a dream announces a carefree, abundant life.
- Pigs wallowing in mud herald a domestic row.
- A dream in which you slaughter a pig suggests that you will have some luck in business.
- If in the dream you hear squealing and grunting pigs, this dream portends bad news in some case.
- Feeding a pig suggests that you should better take care of your future. You should be more far-sighted and try to predict future events.
- The dream in which you stand amid pigs means that you have elevated opinion of yourself, you are unjustifiably criticizing others and aren’t looking at your own actions.
- Piggy bank may suggest that you should start saving money.