A dream about hay can be interpreted in different ways. Most often, however, it is considered to be a positive sign, bringing significant profits, and sometimes even a fortune. In the Bible the hay is seen as the symbol of fleetingness of the world and of human life, and all related matters. Hay in the dream often symbolizes the arrival of big changes in life. These changes depend on the look of hay. So it is important to remember as much details of the dream as possible, as this will only help in correct interpretation of it.
Detailed meaning:
- Fresh hay means increasing wealth.
- Rest on fresh hay lying on the field means changing the current life preferences.
- Rotten hay can be treated as a warning that the projects you run will fail.
- Wet hay announces the arrival of big problems.
- Smelling hay means the improvement of health.
- If you are raking hay in your dream, then in real life you should be prepared for the time when you will be able to test your skills you have acquired so far.
- Binding sheaves of hay in a dream is a signal not to vent your frustration on your partner, as this may lead to the end of the relationship.
- Haystacks on the field are a sign of big debts. Their quantity sometimes means the exact amount of debt.
- If you see burning hay in your dream, you should keep your emotions restrained so as not to do something stupid.
- A barn full to the brim with hay symbolizes the beneficial end of your actions. Your projects will bring a lot of benefits.
- The dream about lying on a sheaf of hay in your home symbolizes comfortable life and a complete understanding of the world around you as well as yourself.
- If you mow hay in the dream, then you can expect windfall. Farmer dreaming about mowing hay can be sure of rich harvest.
- Flipping hay means the beginning of the period of hard work, which won’t even meet your basic needs.
- Loading hay on a cart means the arrival of a tiring period of work that will not produce the expected results anyway. So maybe you should think about changing something in your life. - - A wagon full of hay means the beginning of a winning streak. You can expect to win some money in some prestigious competition.
- Looking at carts full of hay going down the street means you will meet people who will multiply your wealth.
- Feeding cattle with hay is the symbol of requited love and promotion at work.
- A dream about hay on the Christmas table announces that your predictions will come true. Therefore, you should trust your intuition.