Few people have the chance to see the president live so his visit in your dream must surely be interesting. It is the most powerful man in the country and does not talk to anybody. What can the meaning of such a dream?
The president in a dream most often symbolizes power and influence, which can be related to your professional life. In this case the most important are the gestures and words of the politician, but the dream can be interpreted according to the following key:
- His friendly and full of compliments attitude towards your person bodes success, promotion, or bonus.
- If the president is angry or aggressive, then you will be in trouble with your boss. Prepare for reprimand or other objections to your work.
- If you are dreaming about the presidency, it reflects your high ambitions, self-confidence, leadership skills, and the desire to dominate in society.
- The dream in which you are the president may suggest that you have the qualities needed to rule. The person in the position must be confident, competent, resilient to criticism, fair. That is why the dream about being the president is a good fortune.
Other meaning:
- The dream about the president sometimes reflects the personal views about a particular politician.
- According to the Old Polish dream book, the president is the symbol of disappointment and misery.
- Killing the president - the dream can reflect a vivid imagination or relate to suppressed aggression and hatred towards the boss or even the president himself.
- If in the dream the president congratulates you on some success (e.g. by kissing a girl in a hand or shaking a man's hand) it announces that you will invent something innovative and useful for the society.
- The president's visit in your home announces that someone you know will need help.
- A quarrel with the president suggests that you will soon take up a new position.