Many people like erotic dreams, but when the lover appears in a dream there is nothing to be happy about. The dream about a lover usually reflects the dissatisfaction of the current relationship, sexual failure, longing for the feeling of love, or the search for the ideal.
It may happen that the dream of a lover comes to a person, who is happy with their family and partner. It is simply a sexual fantasy that most people have. You may worry only about the situation in which the dream about betrayal repeats regularly.
Other meaning:
- If in a dream you see a lover, who is a particular person, the fantasy may express a real desire to get involved into the relationship with that person.
- A dream about a lover is often a reflection of the passion of the dreamer; dedication to a cause. However, this is a warning dream, because this eagerness may result in the neglecting of other duties or people.
- For people with above-average sexual drive, the vision of a lover may reflect the addiction to erotic ecstasy, or unmet needs.
- A nightmare, in which your partner has a lover, is a manifestation of the fear of such a situation in the real life. The dream may come especially for pruriently jealous people.
- A dream in which you are a lover is warning against making a mistake and hurting innocent people.
- Meeting a lover in a dream suggests watching for trouble.
- According to an old Polish dream book seeing a lover or a conversation with one symbolize happiness in marriage.
- A fight with a lover heralds a bitter life experience in the near future.
- According to the Egyptian-Chaldean dream book wives lovers symbolize good friends. The dream of them predicts that you will meet some new friends.
- If you see the lover of the husband or wife in a dream, it means that there are good friends around you.
- A quarrel with a lover heralds the imminent marriage.
- A former lover seen in a dream may suggest that this person still have some feelings and emotions towards you. Some dream books even claim that the fantasy about a former lover means that this person is still thinking of you.