The key question that allows you to explain the meaning of the dream about the escape is: who or what is chasing you?
Detailed meaning:
- If in your nightmare you run away from a particular person, the message is clear: in real life you are afraid to oppose one. The man who is chasing you may be the boss, neighbor, parent or spouse.
- If in a dream you are running away from a stranger or you can not identify the threat then you should think about your. The dream about escaping often comes to people who push out problems of their consciousness and are afraid of responsibility. If you do not face life's problems, the dream about escaping and the feeling of guilt will not go away.
- If you get into a so-called dead end during the escape, the dream suggests that you have to change the way of your thinking if you want to achieve your goals.
- If you cannot run away or you are paralyzed, then the nightmare depicts your helplessness in a situation or a problem.
- Successful escape in a dream may suggest that you will avoid danger. However, when you get caught, it means you will not avoid punishment due to some offense.
- If in a dream something or someone escapes you, it represents your pursuit of the goal. When you manage to catch what you’re chasing, it is a good omen. You will achieve what you want. Sometimes, however, the dream is a warning against cheaters.
- Escaping from wild animals is a sign of marital quarrels.
- Escaping from prison promises promotion at work.
- If in a dream you help someone to escape, it warns you against people who use your kindness.