The dream about a bus ride as a passenger symbolizes some limitations in our lives. It can mean a lack of comfort in life, poor conditions for self-realization and the lack of possibility of self-determination. The dreamer is moving in his life a conventional, relatively safe path, which like the bus route, has been preconceived. The passenger must therefore adapt to the existing rules, he is thrown back at other people who decide about his life.
Running the bus by yourself may mean that you are responsible and have leadership qualities. Driving huge vehicles is not easy, you take responsibility for the life and health of passengers. This dream might mean that we can help someone in trouble.
Detailed meaning:
- Being on a bus which is crowded means you probably do not have the courage or ability to make important decisions and achieve goals. The solution, to increase the freedom of life, is the far cry action from your previous ones. You should act unconventionally and notwithstanding the other bus passengers. If you are still going to be too conformist and dependent on others, you will not see another, perhaps more interesting route. Alternative explanation of the crowded bus indicate the high competition in the family and friends environment.
- An empty bus reflects the loneliness of the dreamer in dealing with everyday issues.
- A dream looks seriously when the bus is stuck in a traffic jam or broke down. No motion, which after all meant slow and planned development, symbolizes stagnation and even trouble. The dreamer is helpless and can only look to the tide. It is recommended to cool your heels because the bus will finally move on.
- If the dreamer boarded the wrong bus, then the dream indicates wrong decisions in life.
- A nightmare in which the bus struck you is a warning that carelessness can cause you injury.