Dance is a symbol with very positive meaning. It brings people closer, expresses joy, liberty, freedom of movement, temperament and passion. Ballroom dancing is in turn a reflection of the relations and tensions that exist between the partners, their mutual complementation and attraction at various levels. A dream about dancing can be a valuable clue as to how to be happy in love and in everyday life.
Dreams about dance are very diverse, so they should be divided into several groups, which should simplify the interpretation of such dreams.
Dancing alone:
- If you are dancing in a dream, you will probably experience pleasant moments, have fun with friends or celebrate some success. The dream can also mean that you can do something yourself.
- When you dance at a disco, the dream suggests that you should go to a party, have a little break and enjoy life more.
- When you dance alone in a dream, away from a group of friends, the dream depicts your distance and difficulties in establishing social contacts. A dream can happen in a situation when you start another stage in life - for example in a new school, work or place of residence.
- Dancing on the table suggests that you have a predisposition to wild, often embarrassing behavior.
- Trance, ritual and shaman dances are a reference to the process of healing of the body or mind. They can symbolize the union with the deity or appreciation for the gifts.
- Dances in the rhythm of strange music suggest different states of consciousness; crossing your own barriers.
- Dance on a rope is a warning against a risky undertaking.
- Dancing in an empty room suggests that your friends have turned you away.
- If in a dream you dance around someone, it means that you are anxious to please somebody, sometimes even too intrusively.
- When you dance without music or not rhythmically it indicates the difficulty of expressing your opinion freely.
Dancing with a life partner:
Dance is really magical only when you move to the music with your partner. As the dance is very sensual, passionate and brings people closer to each other, the dream may indicate a deeper relationship with the person you dance with. When it is a life partner everything is clear - love blooms, especially if you are dancing close to each other. Dance indicates the role that both of you play in a relationship - a person who leads a dance in a dream also dominates in real life. Harmonious dance indicates mutual complementation, compromises, cooperation and unity. However, when a couple dances at a certain distance from each other, keeping it, this may indicate some misunderstanding or worsening of relationship.
Dancing with another person:
- Dancing with an ex-partner may mean that your feelings are still alive, especially if the dream repeats itself.
- Dancing with a friend means that you will spend more time with one.
- When you dance with the enemy, it means that there will probably be a warming up of mutual relations, and perhaps a truce will be reached.
- Classical dance with a person of the opposite sex is an erotic symbol expressing seduction, fascination, desire and attraction.
- If a woman dances with a handsome man, it foretells a scene of jealousy from her fiancé or husband.
- Gentlemen, who in a dream dance with a sexy girl, can in turn expect an argument with their partner.
- Dancing with a stranger suggests you like adventures and novelties.
- Dancing with a bad partner can symbolize an unsuccessful flirt.
Learning to dance:
- If in a dream you teach someone to dance, this is the first symptom of an upcoming romance.
- When someone teaches you how to dance, you'll probably fall in love.
- Learning to dance may reflect the pursuit of development, or the desire to adapt to a group.
- According to the Egyptian-Chaldean dream book, the dancing master means that you are prone to joy and don’t deny yourself any pleasure.
Dancing in a group:
- Dancing in a band according to choreography suggests that you fit in well with a group of people. However, if you have problems with performing dancing figures or a bad sense of rhythm, you will have difficulties in the new environment. Maybe you leg behind your colleagues, classmates or friends.
- Dancing in a circle heralds a meeting with long-lost people you like, for example friends from childhood or relatives.
The meaning of the dream according to the type of dance:
- Waltz heralds the end of worries.
- Hula dance indicates openness; it means that you make most of your life.
- Tango is an extremely sensual, intense and "hot" dance, which is why it can mean a wild adventure, passion, enthusiasm, and a period of increased excitement. According to some dream books, the dream about dancing tango spells committing some goof, but you will not regret it for a long time.
- Kazachok is a dance associated with joy, pleasant surprises.
- Country or western dance heralds your participation in some social action.
- Latin-American dances, for example salsa or rumba, announce an affair or a desire to experience an erotic adventure.
- When you see dancing people in a dream and you are a wallflower, it suggests that you need some more entertainment in your life. Perhaps you have been caught up in monotony or are overwhelmed by everyday professional and family responsibilities. It is worth taking a rest and finding a moment to relax and have fun, and dance is a great option.
- The fall while dancing is embarrassing and painful. Most often, it means health problems or injury.
- Watching a dance of a pair may mean that you will have to choose between two people in the near future.
- Dancing at the ball heralds wealth and profits.
- If you refuse a dance in a dream, it may suggest that you are very shy, secretive and not spontaneous. It is worth working on these disadvantages.