A dream about the carpet has a positive and negative meaning. According to the positive one the carpet symbolizes new opportunities, good quality of life, wealth and security. The negative symbolism of the carpet spells trouble in life and at home.
The dreamer should first of all pay attention to the look of the carpet, its pattern and color. This may be a clue to the correct understanding of the dream. If the carpet is new, made of high quality material and nice, then it is a good dream, predicting long life, honor and prosperity. The old and worn carpet will in turn symbolize the suffering and negative personality traits of the dreamer.
Other meanings:
- The Old Polish Dream Book shows the carpet as a sign that you may soon be elected for an important and responsible position. This may be suggested especially by a spread carpet, which in a broader sense represents new opportunities and an optimistic outlook for the future.
- Walking on the carpet means that the dreamer has some powerful friends.
- If the dreamer sees the carpet it may be related to his position of a master of the house.
- Laying the carpet is telling you that you strive hard to improve your life and ensure the family a peaceful existence. Another explanation of the dream is an attempt to implement a plan or project.
- A dream, in which there is a magic carpet, usually comes to people who want to get rid of some unhealthy relationship or situation.
- A flying carpet symbolizes great opportunities.
- Cleaning or beating the carpet spells the visit of guests or suggests that it's time for spring or Christmas cleaning.
- Washing the carpet is associated with feelings of guilt and moral dilemmas.
- Sitting on the carpet can be a signal that you are about to buy some real estate.
- Buying carpets is a harbinger that you will be lucky in business.
- Selling the carpet is the announcement of an argument with your boss or co-workers.
- Seeing the Persian carpet is a sign that the dreamer likes lazing.
- A very long carpet spells marriage.
- Rolling the carpet is the announcement of buying a pet.
- Carpet weaving is explained as a dream spelling some pleasure.
- Dirty carpet means trouble in a relationship.
- A white carpet, on which you see dirt and stains, suggests that you should learn from the mistakes that you make, especially if you do not want to repeat them anymore.
- The red carpet is the announcement that you will set up your own business or meet a man of merit.
- The lack of carpet and bare floor boards symbolize poverty.
- In the media you can often hear the phrase "sweep something under the carpet." However, it does not apply to typical cleaning – it is said so, when someone is trying to hide the political and economic affair or a moral scandal. If that motive is in your dream perhaps you have something on your conscience and trying to avoid responsibility.