A dream about a bathtub is a signal that you need to relax and rest.
Other meaning:
- A bath is seen as a symbol of the mother's womb, a recurring dream about one may mean longing for the times of childhood.
- A bathtub filled with water is a good sign that heralds prosperity in the coming days.
- An empty bathtub announces a difficult period in life or a loss of energy.
- An overflowing bath suggests that you tend to exaggerate in certain matters.
- Bathing in the tub in the company is a warning not to get involved in a dangerous erotic adventure.
- Bathing in a tub announces illness and treatment.
- Bathing in a cast-iron, enamel bathtub spells the improvement of your life situation.
- A marble bathtub announces a pleasant message.
- A dirty bathtub spells love problems.
- Relaxing in a bathtub promises good humor in the coming days.
- A bath filled with blood - worries.
- If in a dream you are drowning in a bathtub or you see a person who is drowning, it is a signal that you lack the courage to oppose your fears.