You do not have to wonder long over an explanation of a nightmare in which there is a roach. The pest not only eats the food, but most of all causes disgust and fear. Therefore, the dream is not a good sign for the future. The roach, like most insects, symbolizes rot, dirt, fall, poisoning, low instincts and negative emotions. The nightmare should be treated as a warning against the health or mental problems. It is worse if the nightmare reflects the current psycho-physical state of the dreamer.
The dream about a cockroach cannot be seen in a positive way, can it? If you do not have any trouble, and your kitchen or pantry is clean and free from cockroaches, then the dream should be interpreted as a symbol of perseverance, resilience and strength.
Detailed meaning of the dream:
- Cockroach sometimes identifies a retarded man or immoral, nasty person.
- If you see cockroaches in your apartment, it can refer to the whole life, in which there are chaos and dirt. A dream suggests that you should clean up the mess.
- If you dream that cockroaches attack you, then it is announcement of trouble in many areas of your life. The nightmare may be associated with poor health or financial crisis.
- The nightmare, in which the cockroaches are on your body means that you are tormented with remorse and guilt.
- Killing cockroaches is a symbol of the fight against low instincts, the process of purifying the mind and a change of attitude.
- A dream in which you observe cockroaches fighting against each other indicates a spiritual conflict, transformation, confrontation with your own inner demons.
- A cockroach kept in the aquarium reflects the state of the dreamer, in which he tries to tame the negative traits of their character.