Great organization skills, diligence, courage, honey (the food of the gods) are the main reasons why bees have intrigued humans for centuries. In many ancient civilizations, they were worshiped as a symbol of soul and sun. They were also the symbol of royal authority, and messengers to heaven. The bee, in contrast to the wasp, is a hardworking and appreciated insect. Is this a good sign? It all depends on what kind of mood the bee has.
- If the bee in your dream is calm or it produces honey, it is a symbol of sweetness, joy, healing, and abundance. In such cases for lovers it bodes a successful wedding and happy marriage, and for businessmen it means a successful deal.
- When the bee is wild and attacks the dreamer, it should be received as a prediction of trouble, malice directed at you, or family conflicts.
- Sting of bees bodes painful experiences, adversities. It warns against the person whom you’ve entrusted some issue or a secret. You will probably be disappointed by that person.
Other meaning:
- Bees just like ants are a role model for organizing work, acting for the benefit of the team, and performing duties. The dream about bees is often a reference to duties: it promises a busy period or suggests you are overloaded and should rest.
- A quite strange dream in which you are a bee reflects the most positive features of this creature, which you show in life yourself: wisdom, creativity, and diligence.
- The sound of a beehive buzzing at work is an optimistic sign. The task you have undertaken will be successful.
- Killing bees is a harbinger of trouble in the near future. You will need to mobilize yourself to work hard to deal with all problems.
- A dead bee suggests you should prepare for the upcoming expenses.
- Catching bees is a harbinger of a large profit.
- The overturned hive means a catastrophe, turning fate to worse.
- The queen bee symbolizes the Mother Goddess. It can embody a woman in a high position, radiating with happiness and helping with good counsel.
- A bee collecting nectar or in the vicinity of flowers proclaims happiness.
- A drone is a symbol which shows the pest and the lump.
- Swarming bees are a good sign for a farmer or a beekeeper, because they mean abundant harvest. For all others it is an unfavorable sign.
- Seeing a swarm of bees in your home means prosperity.
- The dream in which you are scattering the bee swarm warns against fire.