Snow due to low temperature and white color has a rather negative meaning in a dream, especially when it comes to feelings. It reflects loneliness, emotional emptiness and is often a clear sign to warm up your relationship with your partner or other close person.
During the winter everything freezes, so the dream about snow also symbolizes stagnation and may suggest that you should keep yourself from certain decisions or professional projects.
Detailed meaning:
- Fresh, clean and white snow symbolizes joy, spiritual cleansing and successful solution of problems.
- Dirty, gray or black snow is a warning against immoral behavior that can result in loss of respect among friends.
- Falling snowflakes - good news.
- Lightly falling snow - minor weaknesses, but you need to control them so that they do not turn into something more serious.
- Heavy snow - obstacles to achieving the goal.
- Dense snow - change of environment, obstacles on the way to the goal.
- Snow storm - a hard period full of adversities, you have to survive.
- Blizzard – disappointment, trouble.
- Avalanche - a warning against the flood of uncontrollable emotions.
- A dream of snow in the summer promises a nasty surprise. In contrast, in December, January or February, such a dream symbolizes prosperity.
- Throwing snow in a dream is a warning against dishonest accomplices and cheats.
- Making a snowman suggests that in some matter you must remain cool.
- A snowman can foretell a dreaming woman that she will find a frigid partner.
- If you fell into a snowdrift, you will experience stagnation in business.
- According to the Old Polish dream book, the view of snow announces the change of living conditions.
- Seeing snow in the mountains suggests that you still have a lot of work before you get to the top.
- Slipping on the snow indicates that you are unable to take advantage of the opportunities that you get from fate.
- Skiing promises you will overcome obstacles in your path. However, when instead of going ahead, you land on the ground you will have to face difficulties.
- Removal of snow from the driveway signals exhaustion and fatigue you will experience if you do not change your lifestyle.
- A dream in which you are playing in the snow (for example, a snowballs fight) can be a warning not to get into a more serious fight in real life.
- If you are walking in a snowstorm in a dream, it means that you will soon overcome your troubles.
- Ground covered with snow promises abundance.
- Melting snow heralds improvement of the situation, warming relations with a close person.
- Walking on ice or creaking snow suggests that you should make all decisions wisely.
- Eating snow symbolizes disappointment, unfulfilled intentions.
- A dream about kissing on the snow is not only very pleasant, but also means the arrival of very nice events in your life.
- If you drive a car in the snow, it is a warning that you should take special care in the coming days, not only on the road.