A cloud in the literature means above all holiness, providence, but in the Bible the cloud symbolizes the place where God manifest Himself.
It's fair to say that the clouds that appear in dreams are a kind of guideline for the future. It should be emphasized that the interpretation of the dream depends on the type of clouds.
- If in the dream you see beautiful white clouds it means a time of great joy, relaxation and fling. Everything that has been planned will be completed.
- Black storm clouds may mean that you will be in danger. They are a bad omen, because it may indicate the spiritual problem, as well as financial problems or illness. After such dream it would be worth to look closely at your health and in the case of the appearance of any symptoms consult with your doctor as soon as possible.
Other meaning:
- If you are dreaming of walking among the clouds is a sign that you will be able to control all situations, even those very complicated.
- When during the dream clouds move in the wind you can be sure that better times will come soon, and all the worries will go away into oblivion.
- Cirrus means experiencing peace in life.
- Clouds in a storm are a sign that some situation is getting out of control. It can be the cause of further failures.
- Light clouds symbolize peaceful life, without any great difficulties.
- Fast flowing clouds are a reflection of a life full of changes.
- Small curly clouds are a symbol of peace and happiness.
- Yellow clouds are warning against problems that may arise in life - for example unsuccessful business.
- Rain clouds herald cleansing of the soul, freedom from guilt and remorse.